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wasnt in the hand but ive never seen this flop and 2 hands hitting so hard!
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancerivermunkySmall blind £0.20£0.20£47.31b123nBig blind £0.40£0.60£39.60 Your hole cards4J beardgroweCall £0.40£1.00£22.38magnaRaise £0.80£1.80£60.12buckoooCall £0.80£2.60£41.07eagle05Call £0.80£3.40£38.00rivermunkyFold b123nCall £0.40£3.80£39.20beardgroweCall £0.40£4.20£21.98Flop 564 b123nCheck beardgroweCheck magnaBet £3.15£7.35£56.97buckoooCall £3.15£10.50£37.92eagle05Call £3.15£13.65£34.85b123nFold beardgroweAll-in £21.98£35.63£0.00magnaFold buckoooCall £18.83£54.46£19.09eagle05All-in £34.85£89.31£0.00buckoooCall £16.02£105.33£3.07beardgroweShow97 buckoooShow78 eagle05Show32 Turn 7 River 6 buckoooWinStraight Flush to the 8£103.53 £106.60
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then i saw a quad vs quad and quad vs straight flush but never had i seen this happen until now
this is worst one we'll ever see.
Wow, the ultimate cooler.