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just hating Aces cant see i played this wrong imo? maybe i did? big call for 3rd nuts!
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancerivermunkySmall blind 200.00200.0016834.00Frank13Big blind 400.00600.0029622.50 Your hole cardsAA darsum333Fold Dr-LecterFold MATT8Fold DoooobsRaise 800.001400.0022504.00rivermunkyRaise 1800.003200.0015034.00Frank13Fold DoooobsCall 1200.004400.0021304.00Flop 7J6 rivermunkyBet 3300.007700.0011734.00DoooobsRaise 8800.0016500.0012504.00rivermunkyAll-in 11734.0028234.000.00DoooobsCall 6234.0034468.006270.00rivermunkyShowAA DoooobsShowQ10 Turn 8 River 8 DoooobsWinFlush to the Queen34468.00 40738.00
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Surely you've played enough poker to take something like this in your stride?