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Good luck larson!!!
One peice of advice, be patient!! Im not talking about the start but the whole tourny. During the times you are card and situation dead it is important to still assess your situation even if you are desperate to double up or get involved. This is one of the biggest differences between cash.
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Decided i'm going to play 100 £11 MTT's or £1100 total spend on MTT's.
This will include some main events, so actual number of games might be less than 100.
Why am i doing this?
To try and improve at MTT's, my MTT game is ok at the moment but definatly could do with some improvement. This thread will exclusively keep track of results.
What am i hoping to achieve?
A profit at the other end, and to see an improvement in my MTT game.
Most of the games being played will be BHers, which to an extent will be lower variance due to picking up bonties along the way. I've played quite a lot of BH recently and am quite happy with the strategy i use in these games.
Why this thread?
Mostly to keep me focussed. It will mostly be results, so pretty dry, but find it helpful posting up to keep me on track, share the highs and lows.
All the best.
Booooom, game 1 went down like this, 9:30 BH, massive field.
Had a shockaroonie of a start, down to 1k early doors, doubled, got a bit of momentums, got the poker groove going got up 2 7k, then it fizzled out lol, busted 7 b4 the bubble but picked up 3 bounties so a wee profit in the 1st game
LARSON7047£12.19 Head Prizes
Total Games 1, Total Spend £11, profit £1.19
Thanks everyone.
"Horrible Monicker" i bet you that's what Bill Clinton was saying when he was found out lol
Really just playing TAG in these games early doors, going for max value, good thing is you are getting paid off with a big hand, not so good when you're running bad though and folding a lot lol
I'll always be playing to get to the FT, and going for the win. I'll loosen up when the blinds are bigger to get a stack or busto, just looking for the right spots. All the monies really in the top 3 places.
The game i played tonight had 300 plus runners. Most games i play will have 100 runners, and will give me the best chances of running deep/ FT and taking a few down.
wd on your cash xx
Total Games 2, Total Spend £22, profit minus 9.81
Fun cash hand!
x Small blind £0.10 £0.10 £20.00 booty Big blind £0.20 £0.30 £19.80 Your hole cards ?? LARSON7 Raise £0.60 £0.90 £41.37 robo27 Call £0.60 £1.50 £8.73 craigcu12 Fold x Raise £2.70 £4.20 £17.30 booty Fold LARSON7 Raise £4.40 £8.60 £36.97 robo27 Fold x Raise £4.40 £13.00 £12.90 LARSON7 Raise £4.40 £17.40 £32.57 x Raise £4.40 £21.80 £8.50 LARSON7 Raise £4.40 £26.20 £28.17 x Raise £4.40 £30.60 £4.10 LARSON7 All-in £28.17 £58.77 £0.00 x All-in £4.10 £62.87 £0.00 LARSON7 Unmatched bet
I must have played 10 MTT's in the last 3 days and not cashed once, these have all been low buy in games lol not tenner ones.
I've ran pretty bad and played pretty bad:)
Thanks Waller, hopefully a nice profit!
Someone was saying the other day, I should play more fiver BH. Although the rake is 15% standard of opposition will compensate for this.
I'll update this once a week, on a Friday, with results.
It's biggest tournament win so far, before that my biggest win was in the xmas cracker where i came 2nd for about 300.
Abosultly chuffed, knew it was inspired starting this thread!
The whole tournie went in rapid, till it got 2 3 handed lol we seemed to be 3 handed for ages.
At the time i was deep in the £1 deepstack, i was about 4/8-10, i just downsized the window to concentrate on the main haha
Thanks a lot everyone that railed, phenomenal:)
I've not seen it, i'll go check it out.
Not at all you deserved the nomination, well done on getting picked. Where did you finish?
lol amazing feeling tonight mate, have always wanted to win a main event, glad i've put that one 2 bed now:)
Well done mate.
Really pleased for you
Well done, mate.

I guess there must have been HUGE overlay