I'm just wandering is there really any point in raising preflop unless you have AA KK QQ..
It seems it doesn't matter how much you raise you get at least 3 callers.
Now obviously when you hit big you can value town these palyers but it seems to me raising preflop without the above mentioned hands is just throwing money away.
Of course if they do hit and you have hit bigger you can stack them because they can't put a hand down.
Just some examples. Raise in late position with JQ and flop comes J2Q. I put a pot sized be in on flop and get called. Turn is a K and I put in 1/2 pot bet. river is a blank and I put anotehr 1/2 pot bet in. Villain caleld with K2 off.
I raise with AK and get called. I hit the A. and pot each street and get called down. Villain had A7 and got stacked

As I type this villain called me down on a 575 rainbow flop 9c turn river A with KTo.
Hand History #220063070 (01:36 03/01/2010)
Its absolutely crazy.
tonight I hagve flopped 2pair twice and lost
had a mandatoryt call on a short stacks shove with a straight draw and nut flush draw. Hit my flush on turn but river turned villains set into quads.
And my set lost to a straight. Whatrs even more frightening is this was all on the master cash tables.
Grrr. I'm prob down about £5 but should be up about £30 up on equity I reckon
He had 7s3s. Really terrible.
must find out how to add hh properly
Whats wrong? U shove with AA n get called by 7 3, n win 4 quid? whats the prob Im not with ya?
The example hand you have posted, answers your own question which is the heading of this discussion!
YESSSS, theres every point in raising preflop in lowerstakes cash games!!
it just seems that im better off limping in if Im gonna get multiple callers. I now like to limp in with hands like 1 nor 2 gap connectors and low pocket pairs, hands I would normally raise with, as I feel theres no point in raising pre as i'm not going to connect most of the time. on most other sites I would raise and put in a c-bet if an ace flopped as I can represent. All in all I think it just frustrated me that the other players were so awful. I know it shouldn't and I should be glad. Alo I need a decent spec pc because mine can't cope with more than 1 sky table at a time.
I believe theres a gold mine out there in sky.
thanks for response Dohhh.
I agree with the suited connectors and PP's, the problem is when you limp with these, theres nothing there when you hit!
I know what you mean about it being a frustrating game at times, you wanna free yourself up, throw some chips about and use abit of flair, but it really is hard when allk you get behind is call call call check call call.
Im currently on the lower stakes, had a shocker over xmas. I normnally play NL50, but haven't got the money in my account to do so, and cant access my poker bank until the 7th Jan. (Cancelled my debit card on Xmas eve, and found it again xmas morning)!!!
Im finding it tough going, especially as Im limited to 1/2 tables on sky.
Just had a hand where a fella joined the table and posted out of position. Ive raised behind on the button 5xbb with JK and of course he calls with 92, cant bear to leave his 15 pence behind.
Anyway he flops mid pair, 2 kicker, and I fire 3 times!, bet the flop, pot turn, all in on the river. He cant let go, and he doubles through me,
This was his FIRST hand at the table, and his last! He didnt even see the round out till it was his BB again, he got straight up and left!
It really is so so so frustrating and hard to reign urself in when your used to battling it out, getting into the mind of the better players at higher stakes, but If I go up there and take a couple of hits, its no poker until the 7th Jan! - Stay disciplined DOHH! lol
Might cya down the lower stakes n tournys this aft, gl.
The problem I see with raising the connectors etc is that you are not gonna win anything with a preflop raise. how often are u going to hit big? I definitely call raises with thse cards though. It jut seems that if I can get in cheap I should cos villains are not going to chuck away overpairs to the boaard.
If I'm throwing 50c in everytime and losing 9 times out of 10. The 10th time I am stacking opponent. that would make it profitable. The odd time I'm getting stacked as well.
But hitting big 1 out of 10 seems to me to be a bit too optimistic
Depends on ur opponents, normally I love passive players, can just run over em. Just had another example there, Ive 3 bet pre with AK out of the big blind, n got flat called, Fired 3 shells AGAIN, n hes just called all the way, he showed AA!
Im too aggro for this level. Im getting alot of strong starting hands, raising 4/5xbb n gettin 2 callers at least everytime, thing is if I miss theres nothing I can do, C betting just gets me in bother.
Im guna stick at it throughout the afternoon and i'll suss it out eventually. Used to crush these games on hills, but I must say, the players on there were alot more aggro than on here, its hard work for sure.
They don't pay much attention to bet sizes
Yeh was at 5/10, gna do 10/20 this aft, its the same pull up of 20 quid, it wont last long anyway after a few bevvies ill be str8 back to 25/50 lol.
Neway that was a losing couple of hours! Dear dear dear Im losing at 5 pence 10 pence, its self assessment time over mi dinner! lol
Gunna watch Swanny rip through this South African middle order again then al be back to re-coup yet more losses!!
Its all well n good loony, but playing like that, you can ONLY win with big hands. And they don't come around too often.
The fellas who sit down with 50p r just a joke, its a complete waste of time they have no FE, whoo get me using the poncy poker terms that I hate! haha, Ok they cannot possibly make you fold a stronger hand. I just ignore em, If they raise into me Ill stik em in with any 2 reasonable cards.
Im determined to suss em out, and Im determined not to be reduced to limping to do so!! I wud honestly rather go and play deal or no deal bingo than start limping, it really is more fun - my cards are as likely to win as anyone elses, (bingo and poker). - Honest bingo is more fun than limp limp limp 4 me.
We'll see how it goes this aft.
Yeh these 2 pairs n str8s that U mentioned r the big hands I was on about, I wasnt only talking pre flop.
Ur right about the levels not being for me though, hard to get someone off TP TK when they can only lose a tenner, different when ur betting 60 quid into em on the river! lol - The buzz of seeing that time bar tick down is definately something unique to higher stakes. (still not high stakes)
I was just regretting my comment about SWANNY ripping thru the SAFRICANS, thought I'd jinxed him! Then BINGO!
Btw, whats your darts bet for tonight?
Webster Whitlock double? not seen the prices but Taylors not gonna be worth backing, and I reckon Barny will be f/ked after last night n wont giv a dam.
Wat u rekon?