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dear sky

edited January 2010 in Sky Poker Tournaments
after reading all the tp threads(vegas at the end ove it)i an 7 others are playing for sky at the apat in manchester and we are getting a t shirt plus £50 ove our own money plus hotel plus travel to be paid for by us. many thx for the t shirt,(some1 should feel ashamed) del.


  • edited January 2010
    That cannot be it?
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: dear sky:
    That cannot be it?
    Posted by woooosh
    yes m8. that is why i put up this thread. take some1 to vegas ect......and cant pay the apat 8 entry £400. its a shambles cus we aint well know names...but wat if? we were to win .....who would we be then?
  • edited January 2010
    Total Player is a SkyPoker promotion.
    The idea of entering the APAT Team Tournament was a suggestion from a site member. The idea was for some friends on this forum to play some poker together and have some fun. I don't think that it was the intention to do it for a reward.
    Also, I seem to remember that SkyPoker put up prize money for each of the qualifying heats.
  • edited January 2010
    I dont want to cause another argument, but i believe that they should not pay the entrance as your representing yourselves primarily and then them, however wasnt this all decided before the qualifications, that this was the way it was going to be?? something about it being an unofficial sky team made up of sky poker players,i may be wrong. Good luck in your quest, i think they should not pay the £400 entrance fee. Edited after new information taken on board!!
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: dear sky:
    Total Player is a SkyPoker promotion. The idea of entering the APAT Team Tournament was a suggestion from a site member. The idea was for some friends on this forum to play some poker together and have some fun. I don't think that it was the intention to do it for a reward. Also, I seem to remember that SkyPoker put up prize money for each of the qualifying heats.
    Posted by MereNovice
    yes they did£50 but sky will have all the free advertising.if we do well(lets hope)will they want to know us then?.....yes they will. but ur rite m8 it was put to sky by a player. but £400 come on m8 its not the world. del
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: dear sky:
    In Response to Re: dear sky : yes m8. that is why i put up this thread. take some1 to vegas ect......and cant pay the apat 8 entry £400. its a shambles cus we aint well know names...but wat if? we were to win .....who would we be then?
    Posted by DELTA

  • edited January 2010
    It was agreed that we would pay the £50 ourselves when Flash organised this, were playing as SKY POKER FORUM and not representing SKY POKER.

    I personally have no problem with the cost, its the experience i want out of the event.

    I just think with all the bull thats been spoken on the TP thread by certain people might be better if we dont cause to many issues regarding the APAT.

    Just my opinion.
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: dear sky:
    I dont want to cause another argument, and i truelly believe that they should pay the entrance as your representing them, however wasnt this all decided before the qualifications, that this was the way it was going to be?? something about it being an unofficial sky team made up of sky poker players,i may be wrong. Good luck in your quest, morrally i think they should pay the £400 entrance fee
    Posted by loonytoons
    no to ur 1st q. unoffical yes ur rite.and thx 4 the morrally we deserve that (but ay we have a t.shirt.)del
  • edited January 2010
    i mite ove stired up an hornets nest here but ay thats me sorry guys.del
  • edited January 2010
    Right i think its about time little old me had a say on matters regarding this APAT tourney and i know i'm going to get a lot of flack for what i say but that's how i operate so learn to live with it.

    I've said this before that any of us including myself would be honoured to represent Sky Poker in GUKPT,WSOP,EPT,APAT or whatever but as long the team that you are representing in a tournament show some form of gratitude for your participation and show their appreiciation in some means then everybody should be rather happy.

    However i totally agree with Del that Sky Poker should do the noble thing and stump up £400 for the buy-ins and also make sure that everyone in Team Sky Poker incures the same level of expenditure that it will cost over the 2 day period so in some respects team morale does not drop. If it's a case that all the members just get a polo shirt with Team Sky Poker embossed on it and that's the thanks you get for representing Sky Poker at the APAT then i would be pretty miffed off and feel like a bit of a fraud representing someone that i feel may not be really that bothered in how the tourney goes team wise and individually.

    Like Del has said in an earlier post: we aint well know names...but wat if? we were to win .....who would we be then?

    My answer to that would probably be that you'll still end up being of the unknown quantity if i'm going to be brutally honest. It would have been rather refreshing to have had possibly all 3 of the Total Player Mentors watching the qualifying legs of this tourney because there was some superb poker played all round but as we are all of the unknown set that means we would have no chance of getting seen or heard!. (No disrespect to any of the mentors picks, mentors, devisors of Total Player and the whole of the Sky Poker team i tell it HOW I SEE IT and sometimes i might be right and sometimes i might be wrong, i'm just very opinionated thats all!)

    Look i certainly do not want to start any sort of friction, i just think that if Sky Poker can do an excellent job with Total Player which it is, surely it ain't going to break the bank by at least just forking out for the buy-in for all 8 members in an event that has a team that wants to play for Sky Poker and more importantly WIN for Sky Poker and do it with a lot of class and a huge amount of pride and dignity and i'm convinced the team will NOT let you down!!.

    You've certainly got my full backing guys and gals in this tourney and i know playing at the tables with you all over that 5 week qualifying period, each and every member has that killer instinct to take it all!!

    Once again, I ain't posted this to start any trouble, i just feel as a member of this community i am to entitled to voice my opinion in a way that suits me best and that can be agreed or disagreed.
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: dear sky:
    Total Player is a SkyPoker promotion. The idea of entering the APAT Team Tournament was a suggestion from a site member. The idea was for some friends on this forum to play some poker together and have some fun. I don't think that it was the intention to do it for a reward. Also, I seem to remember that SkyPoker put up prize money for each of the qualifying heats.
    Posted by MereNovice
    I think what Merenovice has written says it all.
  • edited January 2010
    Frankly, this thread is a joke and I recommend that anyone who does not want to pay their entry fee; like every other player in the tournament, resigns from the team right now.  

    This was a player initiative and one Sky Poker supported through  the provision of a free league with added value to enable team selection, and in using our influence to get you into the field as 1 of 20 competing poker forums. Note that 14 poker forums; nearly all longer established than the Sky Poker forum, had applications to enter this tournament refused due to the overall demand.

    If the majority of the team vote for a media blackout then I'm happy and able to cancel APAT media reporting of the event should Sky Poker win.  Similarly, I'm happy to withdraw you from the event if that is your preference.

    What I'm not willing to accept is SP staff being criticised for trying to help.

  • edited January 2010
    Total Player and APAT are two totally unconnected events, the APAT entry was a vision by FlashFlush and Cormach, who as APAT members were keen to see the Sky Poker forum represented in the event. It was due to their hard work and the hard work of Des and other Sky poker staff that got us entry into the tournament at the expense of 14 other unlucky teams.

    We could have selected the team like other forums did, captain's picks but it was done in a fair and generous way, a way that even meant the captain missed out, I think the 8 players that did qualify (myself included) should be very grateful for the opportunity to represent SP in a high profile event.

    The 5 freerolls had a £50 prize pool in each and Sky have delivered to me Polo shirts and other goodies to distribute to the team, I can assure everybody we are really going to look the part in these polo shirts.

    As for entry fee and travelling expenses, we all knew that it was a £50 entry and was in Manchester before we applied to take part in the original thread.

    Personally I would like to thank Sky staff and Des for their help in gaining entry to the tournament and of course Cormach and FlashFlush for their early work in preparing a team.  I would like to thank Sky for providing monetary prizes in the 5 freerolls and for the merchandise they have kindly provided. Surely this vote of thanks is the very least the APAT team should be giving and I really hope this is the majority view of the team as I am sure it is.

    That is my opinion, the APAT team need to be united as we have been since the week 2 fall out which saw us unite and rail each other in tourneys and really get a great community spirit going, 5 of us are in the SPT Newcastle event as well which augurs well for team spirit as we will support each other when possible.

  • edited January 2010
    The very last thing we're after is to be thanked Dave, but I appreciate the sentiment.  
  • edited January 2010
    i would like to thank all the ppl behind this.but at the start i was no made clear to me or if it was i missed it that this was a 2day event. which means more this now pushed my bank balance to the max just after xmas(single parent) i will take this oppertunity to stand down and give someone else my place on the team. good luck guys n girls have a great time and take it down .....many thx wayne (delta)
  • edited January 2010
    Sorry to hear you'll have to drop out due to finances, Wayne. 

    I'm pretty sure that the fairest way to deal with this, is to give the place to the next qualifier down, or to FlashFlush for all the work he's put in.

    However, if you're looking for someone who qualified way down the list... but could wrong-foot the opposition by playing like a Donkey, then I'm available.

    (Well... if you don't try these things...)
  • edited January 2010
    Nice hornet's nest to come back to after illness :D

    I'm sorry to hear that Wayne is unable to play. I, for one, was looking forward to meeting him and after the hard work he did in qualifying, it's a pity he is now unable to make it.

    However, as a member of the team and a member of APAT, I'm quite upset at seeing this thread. This is NOT a Sky event. This is a private event, run by another company, of which a few people on the forum decided they wanted to play under the Sky banner and applied for a place. We got a place and we had a qualifying tournament. 8 of us qualified. This had nothing to do with Sky bar the freerolls being set up which Sky graciously contributed £250. Sky have also gone on to provide us with polo shirts so we "look the part", again at total cost to Sky. I thank Sky for this and apologise to Sky on behalf of our team that they have had to deal with this.

    As Des has alluded to, there was a massive over-subscription for this event and we can quite easily have our place filled. I'm guessing that as Des is also a higher-up in the APAT team (Sorry Des, I can't remember your job title over there!) that he really does not want to do this. I don't want him to do this. I've qualified, I'm paying and I want to play. I'm a member of at least 3 other forums that have teams going to this event and most of them (I think the APAT team are having t-shirts provided) are buying in themselves and paying for their own team shirts/hoodies etc. I haven't heard of any forums where everything is being provided, although I'm sure someone will come along and prove me wrong, like usual :P

    We now have an opening in the team, and I propose that we ask Grimlock (the unlucky bubbler) if he is available, and if not, go in order of the qualification standings.

    Hopefully we can sort this out and be united before the tournament starts (less than 3 weeks, you know!)

  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: dear sky:
    Frankly, this thread is a joke and I recommend that anyone who does not want to pay their entry fee; like every other player in the tournament, resigns from the team right now.   This was a player initiative and one Sky Poker supported through  the provision of a free league with added value to enable team selection, and in using our influence to get you into the field as 1 of 20 competing poker forums. Note that 14 poker forums; nearly all longer established than the Sky Poker forum, had applications to enter this tournament refused due to the overall demand. If the majority of the team vote for a media blackout then I'm happy and able to cancel APAT media reporting of the event should Sky Poker win.  Similarly, I'm happy to withdraw you from the event if that is your preference. What I'm not willing to accept is SP staff being criticised for trying to help. Des.
    Posted by Sky_Des
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: dear sky:
    Frankly, this thread is a joke and I recommend that anyone who does not want to pay their entry fee; like every other player in the tournament, resigns from the team right now.   This was a player initiative and one Sky Poker supported through  the provision of a free league with added value to enable team selection, and in using our influence to get you into the field as 1 of 20 competing poker forums. Note that 14 poker forums; nearly all longer established than the Sky Poker forum, had applications to enter this tournament refused due to the overall demand. If the majority of the team vote for a media blackout then I'm happy and able to cancel APAT media reporting of the event should Sky Poker win.  Similarly, I'm happy to withdraw you from the event if that is your preference. What I'm not willing to accept is SP staff being criticised for trying to help. Des.
    Posted by Sky_Des
  • edited January 2010
    Had Delta approached me with his concerns prior to his 'someone should feel ashamed' post then my response would have been a good deal more tactful.
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: dear sky:
    Had Delta approached me with his concerns prior to his 'someone should feel ashamed' post then my response would have been a good deal more tactful.
    Posted by Sky_Des
    i sent u a pm and not for the 1st time no reply.
  • edited January 2010
    Delta, I've just looked at my messages and pms and only had one message from you which was in early October.
  • edited January 2010
    I have only just seen this thread!

    It made everyone aware right at the start of the campain that there would be travel costs, accomodation and the £50 tourney entry. I was also advised by Sky_Rich and Bernie when organising to keep reminding everyone there was a £50 entry. I think it must of been posted 3 times.

    Like others have said, this was an idea initially thought up by myself and then again by Cormach a couple of weeks later (After the initial thread had slipped down the forum pages). The idea was for 8 players who all play on Sky to meet up and play together as a team rather than against each other. At no point did I expect our entries to be paid by Sky, I did ask if thye had some spare T-Shirts available for team colours which they kindly donated. The qialifiers themseleves, I simply asked for 5 qualifying games NO PRIZE NEEDED so we could select our team. Bernie took time out of his day to do this for us, im not sure any other site would do this for its players.

    After setting this up I was obviously extemely disapointed to not qualify for the team, but I still wish everyone the best of luck, after the agruments from week 2 and now this it really is a kick in the nuts and shows maybe the Skypoker players can not work together as a team and from what has happened this year, i doubt we will even get a place next year!

  • edited January 2010
    No more needs to be said on this matter it finished with, Grimlock will come into the team to replace Delta, and lets just have a right good go at winning this event!! END OF STORY
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: dear sky:
    No more needs to be said on this matter it finished with, Grimlock will come into the team to replace Delta, and lets just have a right good go at winning this event!! END OF STORY
    Posted by tallboy
  • edited January 2010
    Good lads- it's time to quit talking and start chalking!

    (That phrase works better in snooker, btw)

    Let's tear it up at the APAT, I'm sure the whole community on here will be following your progress and cheering you on.

  • edited January 2010
    Narky Des is more fun - there should be more threads like this ;)


    In Response to Re: dear sky:
    Frankly, this thread is a joke and I recommend that anyone who does not want to pay their entry fee; like every other player in the tournament, resigns from the team right now.   This was a player initiative and one Sky Poker supported through  the provision of a free league with added value to enable team selection, and in using our influence to get you into the field as 1 of 20 competing poker forums. Note that 14 poker forums; nearly all longer established than the Sky Poker forum, had applications to enter this tournament refused due to the overall demand. If the majority of the team vote for a media blackout then I'm happy and able to cancel APAT media reporting of the event should Sky Poker win.  Similarly, I'm happy to withdraw you from the event if that is your preference. What I'm not willing to accept is SP staff being criticised for trying to help. Des.
    Posted by Sky_Des
    Posted by dav1964
  • edited January 2010
    To be fair it may of made more sense for Sky to contributed towards the Event Tickets rather than the prize fund for the 4/ 5 freerolls you guys had.

    That said, if someone had come out at the beginning and said "Oh Sky will be funding us for this" im sure alot more people, including myself would of initially entered the qualfying rounds.

    I wish you the all best of luck and you never know, go there and win and next time you might have backing from Sky!

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