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Interesting turn decision, what would you do?
The re-jammer is a decent enough reg
dogcharlieSmall blind £0.10£0.10£22.83DonttelmumBig blind £0.20£0.30£32.83 Your hole cards44 WHITEADDERFold LARSON7Raise £0.60£0.90£23.26lewisCall £0.60£1.50£13.41xRaise £2.40£3.90£42.62dogcharlieFold DonttelmumFold LARSON7Call £1.80£5.70£21.46lewisCall £1.80£7.50£11.61Flop 7410 LARSON7Check lBet £6.20£13.70£5.41xCall £6.20£19.90£36.42LARSON7Call £6.20£26.10£15.26Turn K LARSON7Check lewisAll-in £5.41£31.51£0.00xAll-in £36.
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It's such a dry board
i doubt he's 3 betting light here reflop.
With the flop action AK is very unikely here.
His range here is Tens Kings or Aces, really can't see him having much else here given the board texture.
Turn is a snap call. Btn could easily be isolating the weaker players small shove with a way wider range than your suggesting. Your only losing to KK, 10's generally flat pre-flop.
When he re-jams on this board, this really dry board your heart just sinks with your set of 4s haha
I felt i was beat (when he jams), but had 2 call
He had 10, 10.
It has to be said that the chance of flopping a set is 11.75% - about 7.5:1 - so break even is 13.50 here. Not that we can afford to set mine for anywhere near that little. There's £26.90 (at least) to play for against the 3-bettor, though.
Being OOP is going to be a pretty big problem but I think it's just about fine to set-mine here. It certainly isn't a clear fold. It would be nice to know that the villain isn't capable of being light in this situation.
Check calling that flop also gives your hand up somewhat.