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advice please

edited June 2014 in Cash Strategy
hi wanting to play cash tables live,i played the other day at aspers and i was playing a 50/1 game..
utg raised to 6.50 there were a couple of callers,the sb who was a maniac raises to 26.50,i look dowwn in the bb and see qq, i reraise /shove allin for 88.50,the utg original raiser calls with about 45 behind,the maniac calls ..the flop comes down ace high with 2 random low cards.maniac checks,utg shoves his 45 and maniac folds,turn river no good ,the winner turns over A10SUITED,

questions from me

was it a good play by me preflop
was it a goodcall by ACE/TEN 
was it a standard call for ACE/TEN SUITED
please help 


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    edited June 2014
    you played it right u got unlycky that's all
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    edited June 2014
    Yeah I'm not sure a 6.5x raise UTG with ATs is very standard - unless you guys were playing short-handed (ie you only mention 5 players so I suppose with a maniac at the table, UTG 5 handed could make ATs worth a bigger than usual raise to scare off everyone but still get a call by the maniac with worse).

    With a raise and cold 4b shove (unless you are perceived as being even more of a maniac lol) I'm not sure much of a case can be made to call here with AT.  Maybe if UTG had a bigger stack behind and fancied playing a side-pot with the maniac there may be some value in it, if he thought his A could be good vs you (if you were the short stack)..... although even that would feel very dubious.

    So yeah, all in all it looks pretty ropey from the others in the hand and you just got unlucky.

    Sounds like if that is the standard of oppo you should be in with a chance of making lots of money over the longer term!!
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    edited June 2014
    In Response to Re: advice please:
    Yeah I'm not sure a 6.5x raise UTG with ATs is very standard - unless you guys were playing short-handed (ie you only mention 5 players so I suppose with a maniac at the table, UTG 5 handed could make ATs worth a bigger than usual raise to scare off everyone but still get a call by the maniac with worse). With a raise and cold 4b shove (unless you are perceived as being even more of a maniac lol) I'm not sure much of a case can be made to call here with AT.  Maybe if UTG had a bigger stack behind and fancied playing a side-pot with the maniac there may be some value in it, if he thought his A could be good vs you (if you were the short stack)..... although even that would feel very dubious. So yeah, all in all it looks pretty ropey from the others in the hand and you just got unlucky. Sounds like if that is the standard of oppo you should be in with a chance of making lots of money over the longer term!!
    Posted by shakinaces

    thankyou aces,,it was a ten seater which was full for your information..thanks for your feed back ,much appreciated
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    edited June 2014
    In Response to Re: advice please:
    you played it right u got unlycky that's all
    Posted by reeler
    thankyou reeler,thought as much 
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