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Any help on this hand would be appreciated! did i not bet strong enough?
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceraywSmall blind 10.0010.003830.00Dk0183Big blind 20.0030.003950.00 Your hole cardsQQ bradfordpaFold font8aFold 5kyRimmerRaise 120.00150.001800.00wulliemanFold raywCall 110.00260.003720.00Dk0183Fold Flop 310Q raywCheck 5kyRimmerBet 140.00400.001660.00raywCall 140.00540.003580.00Turn 7 raywCheck 5kyRimmerBet 580.001120.001080.00raywCall 580.001700.003000.00River A raywCheck 5kyRimmerCheck raywShow93 5kyRimmerMuckQQ raywWinFlush to the Ace1700.00 4700.00
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Villain has peeled a very large opening bet. The board has the A, Q and 10 of spades on it by the river, which doesn't leave too many realistic drawing hands that the villain can have....I'm sure KJs would've pumped it up at some point, ditto for the other combo draw of 89s. KJo is getting a very poor price on the turn...but this is Sky
I think sometimes we'll walk into the flush or straight, but more often we're looking at sets and 2 pairs....that A on the river could be a great card as AQ/A10 ain't gonna pass for the rest of our stack, likewise 33/77/1010 and maybe Q10.
Still think there are merits to shove this river vs certain villains, looks like I'm in the minority though