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Oh my god he's done it again.........some questions
1. Done what?
2. Who did it?
3. Will Brendan say he's a changed man as earlier I last year?
4. Will Reds supporters stay silent?
5. Will the Red supporters continue to ignore this disgusting behaviour as long as the net is hit frequently?
PS I did predict that this would happen again once life became less roses for this chap when Brendan made his rediculous comments.......
And yes Dohhhhhh it is a Blue who is writing this and one who wouldn't have accepted this guy in my team after his earlier incident. The game should mean more than that IMO.
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But it's just weird. vvvvvvv weird.
spitting in someone's face is seen as worse than punching them.
biting is lower than spitting.
it's not the harm but the snidyness and disgusting nature of penetrating an opponent with a part of your body [gotta be consensual, kids...] that causes outrage.
he disgraced the last world cup with that ridiculous hand-ball and subsequent celebration when the penalty was saved.
this is the THIRD time he has drew blood with those teeth.
throw in the casual racism [and refusing a concillatory handshake]
the overt diving and cheating
and preening arrogance and you have the complete package.
if he played like haji-diouf would livepool fans sing his name [if diouf played like suarez would they sing diouf's name]
i live on the wirral [the posh part of merseyside where exliverpool players come to die]. i have loads of contact with liverpool fans.
livepool fans are boss plebs. love their club but get upto ridiculous things like dressing as spansih cardinals and marching for rafa benitez or those toe-curlingly earnest banners featuring russel crowe quotes and cod latin.
however their dignified campaign for truth and justice was and is incredible, they are proper fans and i love em like i'd love a geeky younger brother who dresses like batman and thinks he lives in gotham.
and thats why it was incredibly sad to see liverpool fans defending this racist, cheating, biting scummer. that a teenage oldham player went off the anfield pitch in tears after being racially abused during suarez's ban for racsim made me genuinely sad.
suarez represents EVERYTHING that liverpool fans in all other areas stand AGAINST.
sad if they continue to support him
you dont need to patronise me. i am aware of generalisations, and use them deliberately and liberally in intelligent company. they are neccessary presumtion in any conversation where "liverpopol fans are meffs" is assumed shorthand for 'some of the liverpool fans around my area, but obviously not all, nor by implication, you, can, at times, be a bit meffy". it's a short cut to avoid tedium. ho hum
pariticularly in a light-hearted convo about a panto prima-donna on a poker forum.
i'm not accusing you of anything, brother. merely what i've observed in liverpool fans i know in real life, innit.
you are right it may just take a death before we realise that a mere bite is worserer than death. but that's football fans, innit.
now where did i put that banner that reads:
"and when i lay my vengence upon thee, you will know my name is gerrard"?
*whistles merrily*
that was erdoed, and the support for suarez in unfathomable to me.
you are right about one thing, though.
when somebody is killed by another player, that will, like, be well worse. innit.
still doesnt make what suarez done, does, and will no doubt do again, any less repugnant.
"If we want to avoid people dying, perhaps genuinely dangerous acts should be tackled harder than disgusting ones. "
football doesnt really need to worry about people dying through maliciouys acts. i think shark attacks of the coast of wales probably outnumber the number of dead heaps strewing pitches following a bit of a needly match.
biting, cheating and racism are all too common, however.
and suarez exemplifies all three traits par excellance...
re the boss plebs, like i say i am surrounded my match going reds [generations of them]. they are brilliant people, great fans] no ground does atmosphere like anfield when it's in full swing. their hillsborough campain leaves me in total awe. and i love em. but my god are they meffs when they get into kopite mode.
harmless and great fans, but meffs all the same.
You sure do like to write
Didn't Stars drop someone recently for bad behaviour?
Bet they don't charge Chiellini with thrusting his shoulder.
The evidence I've seen does seem to prove that he bit him but what made it worse was the blatant fakery of an injury and the melodramatic fall to the ground. He deserves to have the book thrown at him.
The whole post is just LOL. We had this very same nonsense before. The day England play there last game an Everton fan posts about a Liverpool players behaviour on international duty. The same poster blamed all the Liverpool players about Englands defeat v Uruaguay aswell. First thing first there is no defence to what he did. As for your prediction about him doing something else mad wow do you know this weeks lotto numbers. The guy is a nutcase you dont need to be mystic meg to know he was going to do something else in his career. In Response to Oh my god he's done it again.........some questions :
Posted by day4eire76
came 2nd after a HU battle that lasted about 30 mins
All that for 90c ! lol
This act was absolutely genius. He single-handedly (literally) seen his country through to the world cup semi final ! A massive achievment for them and one the whole nation of Uruguay absolute loved.
Football is a team game and to keep his other 22 team members and umpteen staff in the world cup he sacrificed his own place in the semi-final to give them a chance of progressing.
If anything a very unselfish act from a super competetive man.
Great to see such passion and will to win.
As for the bite, the bloke clearly has some severe mental problems. Theres no way he could have done this again if he knew what he was doing. He needs help. It would be a shame to see one of the worlds best footballers play no further part in the World cup, but that does look very likely.
Personally though, whatever anybody says, i'd miles rather be spat on or bitten then two-footed in knee height in a 50-50 where it could end my career.
Secondly, anything not punished on the pitch is reviewed and the FA/Uefa etc.. make a decision and usually ban the player in the wrong, and they will recieve big fine from their clubs.
Thirdly, nobody just attacks anyone for no reason like muggins and robberys in the streets. Players are usually provoked by getting fouled, being kicked themselves or words being said (Zidane headbutt).
Fourthly sportsmen are competetive beasts, their will to win is insane. If they think they've been hard they are going to kick off, and get angry and lose their heads, one little icnident could define there whole career/life.
Last of all, obviously they are punished like anyone else if they act like thugs outside of football seemingly unprovoked. E.g Joey Barton serving jail time.
Posted by day4eire76