it all depends on your bankroll and how comfortable you feel in your game. Play what you can afford too lose and the game/tournaments that you enjoy playing after all the game should be fun. Think most people that are new and wanting too improve play the dtd games and some of the other deepstacks. Maybe even join a team and ask on the forum for any help or advice that you need there will always be someone that will try and help. Goodluck in your games ...Churchy Posted by churchy18
This is a great suggestion but you may need to now thats the tournaments he is reffering to play on a Monday evening and are labled DTD 1,2,3 repectivly in the lobby they have a reasonable field size low buy in and many different skill levels in the players in them so great for learning and a friednly atmosphere as you will get alot of forum members playing
Play what you can afford too lose and the game/tournaments that you enjoy playing after all the game should be fun.
Think most people that are new and wanting too improve play the dtd games and some of the other deepstacks.
Maybe even join a team and ask on the forum for any help or advice that you need there will always be someone that will try and help.
Goodluck in your games ...Churchy
Good luck