Sky Poker forums will be temporarily unavailable from 11pm Wednesday July 25th.
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LOL gotta love AA losing to AA
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceIrishRoseSmall blind 100.00100.00785.00rivermunkyBig blind 200.00300.001000.00 Your hole cardsAA DiamGirlAll-in 300.00600.000.00IrishRoseRaise 400.001000.00385.00rivermunkyAll-in 1000.002000.000.00IrishRoseAll-in 385.002385.000.00rivermunkyUnmatched bet 315.002070.00315.00IrishRoseShowAA rivermunkyShowAA DiamGirlShow3K Flop 292 Turn K River 5 IrishRoseWinFlush to the Ace2070.00 2070.0
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