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We have all seen & read, way too many times, that ridiculous expression....
"show me a good loser, & I'll show you a loser".
It is, of course, utter nonsense.
Yesterday, elsewhere, I saw a Post by a pal of mine called Stu Barnett, who many of you may have met at UKPC last week, where he had a deep run or two.
He adapted that cliche into a much better version.".....To be a winner at poker you must be very good at losing...."

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(c) Carlo Citrone
As it happens, bad losers are also often (but not always) bad winners.
Take crib for instance. I play with the missus/inlaws. When I win I get 'oh look at him gloat'. When I lose I get 'hahahaha you lost'.
When you get hammered whether you win or lose, you give them a bit of gib back.
I am like it in all games though, I am banned from monopoly (everyone refused to trade with me but traded with each other 'because if we trade you win', so of course the board went flying.
And things like trivial pursuit, they make my answers have to be exactly the same as on the card, but theres have a bit of artistic licence. Board went flying then too.
It is hard being at the top (that is not to say I am clever, I am not particulary, my family just happen to be especially dumb!)
Poker is just a constantly revolving door on a personal level ive had a very good year so far,so confidence was very high and playing well,but im on the flip side for the last 6 0r 7 weeks were nothing is going my way and to be honest its being able to still play correctly through a downswing should make you a stronger player (well thats the hope anyway)..
I'm not a person who would get abusive when i loose a big pot (small rant maybe) then i just move on,if you cant take loosing at this game maybe you should just take up knitting...
Some delicious punage right there.
I thought it said "to be a winner at poker you must be very good at boozing!"
I resemble that remark but sadly not the first part!
yep i am good at boozing,but 1 drink and then 1 coffee,hope that helps
Had Enough yet, not me xxx, just waiting for the rabbit
Hope this helps.
Pokerwise, i still agree long term.
They are both Poker Pros, poker is their JOB. Jobs are stressful sometimes.
On Sky Poker, 99.5% of the players - more maybe? are NOT poker pros, they play poker as a recreation.
"Recreation", as in tending an allotment, playing crown green bowls, fishing, watching movies. If any of those recreations caused us to behave like a nimcompoop, we'd not do them, as we play for fun.
How we react to winning & losing defines us us people, & poker is very good at exposing our true character.
After seeing the subject title, I thought this was gonna be about responding to TK's chatbox moments!
Anyhow, about a billion years ago, an athletics coach said to me "You need to learn from your failings, before you can learn how to win"
That sort of nails it I think.
Head down to watch any local Sunday league football game and you'll soon appreciate what I mean!!
Not sure it even detracts from their fun. I think the angry guys wouldn't enjoy these activities as much if it they didn't get the blood pumping and emotions fluctuating.
In fact, in many ways it's probably an extension of your point about Hellmuth and Selbst. The recs have had to bite their tongue in front of colleagues, the visiting mother-in-law, the noisy kids - meaning that the poker tables feel like a safer environment to release that pent up stress / anger.
Life is full of challenges. Being happy shouldn't be of them.
Richard nixon