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edited January 2010 in The Shed
I would like to say, on behalf of myself, my wife (stoxy), Stuart and of course Lauren a really big thanks to each and every one of you for posting those fantastic messages of support over the last few days whilst we have been in Bristol Childrens Hospital for Lauren's operation. Can i just pay a personal thanks to the legend TK for the text and the calls to Emma, telling her of the thread and the amazing amount of interest that you people showed towards my little girls condition. I feel humbled writing this, as the sight of all those messages brought a tear to my eyes.

Lauren has read each and every message and she asked me to type her a reply to you all. " Thankyou everybody for your lovely messages, they really cheered me up when i got home and mummy showed me them on the computer. I hope you all have a happy new year. I didn't know that my mummy and daddy had so many friends and that TK had told you all about me. it made me smile and cry reading them all, thankyou very much" Love from Lauren Stocks 

Once again, thanks from all the Stocks family, may your bad beats be few(unless you're playing me)


  • edited January 2010
    Glad ur all home.  My offer stands from Lauren's other thread and Im so happy that u can spend quality time together as a family aiding Lauren's speedy recovery.  What a great start to 2010.

    Take care - all of you.


  • edited January 2010
    Thanks for the update.
    I hope that all your family have a wonderful New Year.
  • edited January 2010
      Hello Lauren my little Sparrow  glad you are feeling much better.  I know and you know Sparrow's dont sing they Chirp,   well my little Sparrow  ( Lauren )  is chirping away today and is so happy for you. I will keep you posted on how my Lauren is doing if you keep getting better and post how you are doing. Love u xxxxx   
  • edited January 2010
    So glad our messages gave all of you a well deserved boost. Take care and all the best for 2010 - and a special hug for Lauren x
  • edited January 2010
    Ok, so i've just been catching up on other forum stuff and have seen the instruction from TK in poker chat. Totally mind blowing thanks. As he mentioned the op was a success eventually. The surgeon told us that within the heart there is something called the "sinus node". This detects adrenalin in your body and pumps blood into your heart faster, ie. your beat increases if you get excited. This node also informs what is called the "av node" what it is up to. The purpose of the av node is to pump blood out of the heart as fast as the sinus node pumps it in, therefore keeping a constant flow(getting technical now ain't it). The problem with Lolly appears to be the two nodes were not communicating properly so she had blood going in faster than it was coming out, scary!!
    The pacemaker that has been installed has two wires,each one leading to the area of the heart where these nodes are located. As Tk mentioned the tissue around the av node was weak and therefore could not hold the wire. Fortunately on the 6th attempt it stayed and the procedure was then finished. Hopefully this will turn out to be the root cause of Lolly's problems and she can, when she's feeling stronger resume a normal life. It's fantastic to think about what they can do with technology today.
    I would like to say that although we are very grateful for all that people have done for us, i feel in the great scheme of things we are actually very lucky. Whilst in the hospital there was a baby in the bed next to Lolly who'd had a heart op at only 2 days old. Now that's stress for a new parent. Luckily she came through it and is well on the way to recovery.
    I know i keep repeating myself but thanks to you all for your messages of support, Lauren is made up
  • edited January 2010
    Glad to hear Lauren made it through the operation fine! Was lovely to see the message from her also, put a massive smile on my face =] Must feel good to be back home ey! Take it easy and have a happy new year! Aneshka x
  • edited January 2010
    Brilliant  .. 'made up for  you all"   . best wishes  and good luck .. Barry
  • edited January 2010
    delighted delighted delighted !!!

    well done to your mammy and daddy lauren,

    but most of all what a brave big girl you are .
  • edited January 2010
    great stuff Ian !!---really pleased to hear that Lauren is on the mend-- best of luck to the family, fantasic wee girlie you got there!-- you must be so proud of her--- all I can say is FAN FLOPPERTY DOO DAH TASIC !--CHEERS!

       from one very happy Nutter, that is having a very rare drinkies tonight to celebrate-----CHEERS !
  • edited January 2010
    So chuffed that everything turned out well.

    Here's to a much less stressful, happier and healthy 2010 for all three of you.

    You've had a tough time- well done to you all for coming through it.

  • edited January 2010
    That's absolutely brilliant, I'm so pleased for you all, that's such a relief to know everything went well.
  • edited January 2010
    Very very glad to hear it!!! Can't wait to meet to Lauren and give her a big (and probably very gentle) hug!

  • edited January 2010
    Delighted to hear the news as well.  Best wishes to all of you especially Lauren.

  • edited January 2010
    Fantastic news, all the very best to you! Stuart.
  • edited January 2010

    Great news.

    XX to you all.
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