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A call to arms for the TKO revolution. Team LML we stand UNITED!!

Can I have just a tiny, little bit of skill somewhere in my rank please? :)


  • edited January 2010
     It is time..

    ..Time for the REVOLUTION!!

    My heroic Comrades, Brothers and sisters in arms and indeed hands...

    TKO is upon us and as I wield this fragile mantle of Leadership and look upon the shining, courageous faces of the many, many, many, MANY, MANY of you who have valiantly joined the cause and vowed to offer your skills, your Chips and your VERY LIVES to Team LML.... I tell you, your voices shall not go unheard, Your raises will not be disrespected, and your chips shall not be played in vain...How shall we best defeat the Tikayers? BY BEATING THEM AT THEIR OWN GAME!!They tell us they have won.. They tell us we are the UNDERDOGS.. (This doesn't refer to you Elsadog for you are TOPDOG) They tell us we are the TRAITORS..I say.. THEY are the establishment and we..WE ARE LIBERTYFREEDOM and HONOUR!! Let us not deceive ourselves any longer. A Poker storm is brewing the like of which no one person has seen before.. (Well not for a few weeks anyway)We have petitioned—we have remonstrated—we have supplicated—we have prostrated ourselves before the Establishment of the Once mighty Tikayers (even this is a matter of opinion).Our petitions have been slighted; our remonstrances have produced additional vitriol and insult; our supplications have been disregarded; and we have been SPURNED, with contempt from the Baize. If we wish to be free—if we mean to preserve inviolate those inestimable pots for which we have been so long contending—if we mean not basely to abandon the noble struggle in which we have been so long engaged, and which we have pledged ourselves never to abandon, until the glorious object of our contest shall be obtained. We must FIGHT!  An appeal to arms, hands, the second leg.. and to the Gods of Poker!They tell us that we are weak—unable to cope with so 'formidable' an adversary. But We are not weak, if we make a proper use of those means which the God of Poker hath placed in our power. The battle is not to the previously victorious.. it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave and indeed the LUCKY. The war is inevitable—and let it come!!  Let it come!!!Give us VICTORY, LIBERTY and ALL YOUR CHIPS.. or give us death!I welcome you all into my team and into my heart..Once I have all of your names I shall be allotting various Position..If there any particular position you would like please let me know and I will add it to the list!Obviously Elsadog has claimed 'doggy'. But other positions are available. All Suggestions welcome..
    Orford is the Official Number Two/ Captain of Vice (Take that anyway you like ;) well as obviously also being: Taxi-in-Chief/Team Car Misplacer, Baggy Jumper wearer and of course Team SMUGFACE.     Obviously until the results are in I have no way of knowing who is ACTUALLY in my team.. Other than Orford who I believe has made a payment including his car, a jumper and his firstborn to Sky_Des to ensure his selection.Ideas so far are..Jaegerplop: promoted from General to Commander in Chief (which is sort of like a number two)Merenovice is Master of ceremonies (and spelling)Phil12uk is TKO Master Luckbox NoseyBonk Official Team HunkMachka  Agricultural  aggravator AKA Team FertilizerSupernova: Agitator-in-ChiefThere are a fair few of you in contention for 'WMD splinter cell' (Definitely at this point to include Tallboy, Chrisbhoy, UNBpower, Maxally, DTWBandit and Ozzie) The Tikayers will tremble with fear at their very presence!!Elsadog: Official Top DogWooosh, xFallenx and Ness are Official non-Silent Assasins as the enemy will be expecting them to use their feminie wiles and will therefore not see their deadly POKER skills until it WAY too late!! Diggerman is CHIEF MUSCLE (Which refers to the digging heavy artillery and not his erm.. )AGENT Apollo 11 and AGENT 35Suited are Agent 11 and Agent 35 -INSIDE INTEL (as they know the enemy better than anyone..having defected to the resistance!)D3ADH4ND5 is  Senior Knight of the Oval Table (Handy with his weapon)FBS, SwansFC, SkyDave, PennyLess Knights of the Oval TableKnackersYa is Team Translater (Relating to German and other things)NamesBond is Team Smoothy and purveyor of erm.. stacks.Hawk7112 and Ross JB14..  Team Moral Officers and all round nice blokes.Sara36DD:  Master of disguiseBADBOY985 and ActionDan  Team Superheroes (I love that you two sound like like Stan Lee Superheroes  ;)EEN: Team Ambivalent ;)Ads2kuk - TEAM HUSTLERThese may all be subject to change, favour and suggestion....I am also in need of an Official list maker though this may be taken as an extra duty by anyone...


    (Who will be playing under Lisa_Long and with the STAR avatar)   



  • edited January 2010
    In Response to A call to arms for the TKO revolution. Team LML we stand UNITED!!:
    It is time.. ..Time for the  R E V O L U T I O N !! My heroic Comrades, Brothers and sisters in arms and indeed hands... TKO is upon us and as I wield this fragile mantle of Leadership and look upon the shining, courageous faces of the many, many, many, MANY,  MANY  of you who have valiantly joined the cause and vowed to offer your skills, your Chips and your VERY LIVES to Team LML....  I tell you, your voices shall not go unheard, Your raises will not be disrespected, and your chips shall not be played in vain... How shall we best defeat the Tikayers? BY BEATING THEM AT THEIR OWN GAME!! They tell us they have won.. They tell us we are the UNDERDOGS.. (THis doesn't refer to you Elsadog for you are TOPDOG) They tell us we are the TRAITORS.. I say.. THEY are the establishment and we..WE ARE  LIBERTY ,  FREEDOM  and  HONOUR !!  Let us not deceive ourselves longer. A Poker storm is brewing the like of which no one person has seen before.. (Well not for a few weeks anyway) We have petitioned—we have remonstrated—we have supplicated—we have prostrated ourselves before the Establishment of the Once mighty Tikayers Our petitions have been slighted; our remonstrances have produced additional vitriol and insult; our supplications have been disregarded; and we have been SPURNED, with contempt from the Baize.  If we wish to be free—if we mean to preserve inviolate those inestimable pots for which we have been so long contending—if we mean not basely to abandon the noble struggle in which we have been so long engaged, and which we have pledged ourselves never to abandon, until the glorious object of our contest shall be obtained.  We must  FIGHT!    An appeal to arms, hands,the second leg.. and to the Gods of Poker! They tell us that we are weak—unable to cope with so 'formidable' an adversary. But We are not weak, if we make a proper use of those means which the God of Poker hath placed in our power.  The battle is not to the previously victorious.. is to the  vigilant , the  active , the  brave  and indeed the  LUCKY .  The war is inevitable—and let it come!!  Let it come!!! Give us VICTORY, LIBERTY and  ALL YOUR CHIPS  or give us death! I welcome you all into my team and into my heart.. Once I have all of your names I shall be allotting various Position.. If there any particular position you would like please let me know and I will add it to the list! Obviously Elsadog has claimed 'doggy'. But other positions are available.  All Suggestions welcome.. Orford is the Official  Number Two/ Captain of Vice  (Take that anyway you like ;) Obviously until the results are in I have no way of knowing who is ACTUALLY in my team.. Other than Orford who I believe has made a payment including his car, a jumper and his firstborn to Sky_Des to ensure his selection. Ideas so far are.. Jaegerplop: promoted from General to  Commander in Chief  (which is sort of like a number two) Merenovice is  Master of ceremonies  (and spelling) Phil12uk is to known as  TKO Master Luckbox  NoseyBonk  Official Team Hunk Machka   Agricultural  aggravator  Supernova:  Agitator-in-Chief There are a fair few of you in contention for ' WMD splinter cell ' (Definitely at this point to include Tallboy, Chrisbhoy, UNBpower, Maxally, DTWBandit and Ozzie) The Tikayers will tremble with fear at their very presence!! Elsadog:  Official Top Dog Wooosh, xFallenx and Ness are  Official non-Silent Assasins  as the enemy will be expecting them to use their feminie wiles and will therefore not see their deadly POKER skills until it WAY too late!!  Diggerman is  CHIEF MUSCLE  (Which refers to the digging heavy artillery and not his erm.. ) AGENT Apollo 11 and AGENT 35Suited are  Agent 11  and  Agent 35  - INSIDE INTEL  (as they know the enemy better than anyone..having defected to the resistance!) D3ADH4ND5  is   Senior   Knight of the Oval Table  (Handy with his weapon) FBS, SwansFC, SkyDave, PennyLess  Knights of the Oval Table KnackersYa is  Team Translater  (Relating to German and other things) NamesBond is  Team Smoothy  and purveyor of erm.. stacks. Hawk7112 and Ross JB14..   Team Moral Officers  and all round nice blokes. Sara36DD:   Master of disguise BADBOY985 and ActionDan   Team Superheroes  (I love that you two sound like like Stan Lee Superheroes  ;) EEN:  Team Ambivalent  ;) FBS, SwansFC, SkyDave, PennyLess, These may all be subject to change, favour and suggestion.... I am also in need of an  Official list maker  though this may be taken as an extra duty by anyone... LONG   LIVE THE RESISTANCE!!!!!! xxxLML   (Who will be playing under Lisa_Long and with the STAR avatar)         
    Posted by LML
    er, sorry, that was my stomach ;)
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: A call to arms for the TKO revolution. Team LML we stand UNITED!!:
    Can I have just a tiny, little bit of skill somewhere in my rank please? :)
    Posted by phil12uk
    Yes Phil.. That's what the 'Master' part was for.. 'Perceived Luckbox until he kept winning' is just a tad long winded.. What would you suggest?

  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: A call to arms for the TKO revolution. Team LML we stand UNITED!!:
    In Response to A call to arms for the TKO revolution. Team LML we stand UNITED!! : er, sorry, that was my stomach ;)
    Posted by acebarry10
    Barry that hurts my eyes. Can you please delete the rest of the quote except that one line ;)

    Ps.. I know you are not Playing but you are welcome as an Honorary Team member under the position of Grand Master Railer should you choose to accept. This is a one time Offer and means that essentially you are on MY team.

    Thank you.

  • edited January 2010
    A great rallying cry, Lisa.  I think you should get your lot to read it before every event.  We Tikayers will have it won before they get to the end!!  lol
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: A call to arms for the TKO revolution. Team LML we stand UNITED!!:
    A great rallying cry, Lisa.  I think you should get your lot to read it before every event.  We Tikayers will have it won before they get to the end!!  lol
    Posted by Taller_Guy
    Bless you and your senile rantings.. Yes dear.. Of course you will.  ;)
  • edited January 2010
    Reporting for duty gorgeous.

  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: A call to arms for the TKO revolution. Team LML we stand UNITED!!:
    In Response to Re: A call to arms for the TKO revolution. Team LML we stand UNITED!! : Bless you and your senile rantings.. Yes dear.. Of course you will.  ;)
    Posted by LML
    Now, now, Lisa.  You may be young, beautiful, intelligent and very eloquent, but, I've forgotten what I was going to say.  Just wait, I'll have my Sanatogen and a mug of cocoa and I'll be back. 
  • edited January 2010
    A welcome speak to send fear into the hearts of all tikayers.
    I would like to volunteer to be the official list maker if selected for your noble cause.
    I have already got the chart ready, all I need are the names of each team member once released to add them to the list.
    I am also ready to act as agent 11 as well.
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: A call to arms for the TKO revolution. Team LML we stand UNITED!!:
    In Response to Re: A call to arms for the TKO revolution. Team LML we stand UNITED!! : Barry that hurts my eyes. Can you please delete the rest of the quote except that one line ;) Ps.. I know you are not Playing but you are welcome as an Honorary Team member under the position of Grand Master Railer should you choose to accept. This is a one time Offer and means that essentially you are on MY team. Thank you. xx
    Posted by LML
    lol, will do, er, eek, er, HELP, if I say yes, I feel like Im deserting tikay, but if I say no, I feel like im deserting you, er... I dont want to desert either one of you :( cos I love you both

  • edited January 2010
    I signed up for your team LML but havn't had it put under my Alias when playing at the tables?

    I want a name too! Haha...

    Looking forward to taking out these Tikayers!!!
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: A call to arms for the TKO revolution. Team LML we stand UNITED!!:
    A welcome speak to send fear into the hearts of all tikayers. I would like to volunteer to be the official list maker if selected for your noble cause. I have already got the chart ready, all I need are the names of each team member once released to add them to the list. I am also ready to act as agent 11 as well.
    Posted by apollo_11
    Good Work Agent!! You shall now be known as Agent 11 and List Master.

  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: A call to arms for the TKO revolution. Team LML we stand UNITED!!:
    I signed up for your team LML but havn't had it put under my Alias when playing at the tables? I want a name too! Haha... Looking forward to taking out these Tikayers!!!
    Posted by Ads2kuk
    It is Done Ads. You are now TEAM HUSTLER!!!
  • edited January 2010
    The Call to Arms has been written, now is the time to begin preparing the winners acceptance speech.

    Machka - Agricultural Aggravator aka Team Fertilizer.
  • edited January 2010
    We cud call Rich Chief Donk
    or Taxi in Chief or Official limousine Driver
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: A call to arms for the TKO revolution. Team LML we stand UNITED!!:
    We cud call Rich Chief Donk or Taxi in Chief or Official limousine Driver
    Posted by hawk7112

    And thus it is done ;)

  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: A call to arms for the TKO revolution. Team LML we stand UNITED!!:
    In Response to Re: A call to arms for the TKO revolution. Team LML we stand UNITED!! : And thus it is done ;)
    Posted by LML

  • edited January 2010


  • edited January 2010
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: A call to arms for the TKO revolution. Team LML we stand UNITED!!:
    Posted by GREGHOGG

    Sorry.. Who is this? 
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: A call to arms for the TKO revolution. Team LML we stand UNITED!!:
    In Response to Re: A call to arms for the TKO revolution. Team LML we stand UNITED!! : Sorry.. Who is this? 
    Posted by LML
    Think he is new Gregdonk i think
  • edited January 2010
    Must have got disorientated and wandered in by mistake, some call Help the Aged.
    edited January 2010
    EEN: Team Ambivalent

    i like it :P obviously had to google it lol
  • edited January 2010
    Chief Muscle reporting for duty! Brilliant opening salvo Captain! We're already looking like a formidable force and I think the old folk might already be running for cover!

    PS You said you weren't looking!! ;)
  • edited January 2010
    Hi LML - do you need a Padre to counteract Father Vaigret. Your Vice captain used me in this capacity, i'm no good at Poker but ok on the verbals.
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: A call to arms for the TKO revolution. Team LML we stand UNITED!!:
    Hi LML - do you need a Padre to counteract Father Vaigret. Your Vice captain used me in this capacity, i'm no good at Poker but ok on the verbals.
    Posted by kalooki8
    Kalooki Indeed we do!! You are most welcome and we are honoured to have you on board Chief Padre in arms!

    Chief Padre in arms
  • edited January 2010

    Ok thanks Lisa - will start thinking up a cunning plan/sermon

  • edited January 2010
    LM- CAPTAINOrford: Official Number Two/ Captain of Vice as well as obviously also being: Taxi-in-Chief/Team Car Misplacer, Baggy Jumper wearer and of course Team SMUGFACE.)  Jaegerplop: Commander in Chief (which is sort of like a number two) Merenovice: Master of ceremonies (and spelling)Phil12uk: TKO Grand Master Luckbox NoseyBonk: Official Team HunkMachka:  Agricultural  aggravator AKA Team FertilizerSupernovaAgitator-in-ChiefTallboy, Chrisbhoy, UNBpower, Maxally, DTWBandit and Ozzie:WMD splinter cell ( Tikayers will tremble with fear at their very presence!!) Wooosh, xFallenx and Ness: Official non-Silent Assasins as the enemy will be expecting them to use their feminie wiles and will therefore not see their deadly POKER skills until it WAY too late!! Diggerman: CHIEF MUSCLE (Which refers to the digging heavy artillery and not his erm.. )Apollo 11 and 35Suited: Agent 11 and Agent 35 -INSIDE INTEL (as they know the enemy better than anyone..having defected to the resistance!)Agent 11 is also imbued with List master duties.D3ADH4ND5Senior Knight of the Oval Table (Handy with his weapon)FBS, SwansFC, SkyDave, PennyLess: Knights of the Oval TableKnackersYa: Team Translater (Relating to German and other things)NamesBond: Team Smoothy and purveyor of erm.. stacks.Hawk7112 and Ross JB14: Team Moral Officers and all round nice blokes.Sara36DD:  Master of disguiseBADBOY985 and ActionDan: Team Superheroes (I love that you two sound like like Stan Lee Superheroes )EEN: Team Ambivalent ;)Ads2kuk: TEAM HUSTLERKalooki: Chief Padre-in-armsJingleMa: Epwb:Battl:ELSADOG: TEAM TOP DOG (NINJAMUTT!!)


  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: A call to arms for the TKO revolution. Team LML we stand UNITED!!:
    LM- CAPTAIN Orford:  Official  Number Two/ Captain of Vice   (  as well as obviously also being: Taxi-in-Chief/Team Car Misplacer, Baggy Jumper wearer and of course Team SMUGFACE.)   Jaegerplop: Commander in Chief  (which is sort of like a number two)   Merenovice:  Master of ceremonies  (and spelling) Phil12uk:  TKO Grand Master Luckbox  NoseyBonk:  Official Team Hunk Machka:    Agricultural  aggravator AKA Team Fertilizer Supernova :  Agitator-in-Chief Tallboy, Chrisbhoy, UNBpower, Maxally, DTWBandit  and Ozzie: WMD splinter cell (   Tikayers will tremble with fear at their very presence!!)   Elsadog:  Official Top Dog   Wooosh, xFallenx and Ness:  Official non-Silent Assasins   as the enemy will be expecting them to use their feminie wiles and will therefore not see their deadly POKER skills until it WAY too late!!  Diggerman:  CHIEF MUSCLE   (Which refers to the digging heavy artillery and not his erm.. ) Apollo 11 and 35Suited:  Agent 11  and  Agent 35  - INSIDE INTEL   (as they know the enemy better than anyone..having defected to the resistance!) Agent 11 is also imbued with List master duties. D3ADH4ND5 :  Senior   Knight of the Oval Table   (Handy with his weapon) FBS, SwansFC, SkyDave, PennyLess:   Knights of the Oval Table KnackersYa:  Team Translater   (Relating to German and other things) NamesBond:  Team Smoothy  and purveyor of erm.. stacks. Hawk7112 and Ross JB14:  Team Moral Officers   and all round nice blokes. Sara36DD :   Master of disguise BADBOY985 and ActionDan:  Team Superheroes  ( I love that you two sound like like Stan Lee Superheroes ) EEN:   Team Ambivalent   ;) Ads2kuk:  TEAM HUSTLER Kalooki: Chief Padre-in-arms    
    Posted by LML
    I notice that my name has not appeared in the latest list but somehow it appears when the list is quoted. Am I to assume the invisible dog role or is it more of an under the table role. I will be biting geriatric ankles on the night and the damp patches on the old folks legs won't all be from burst colostomy bags, some might be down to me. I have a couple of other tricks up my sleeve too but I don't want to get chat banned so I'll just call it strategic leg hugging. That should put a few of them off their cocoa.
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: A call to arms for the TKO revolution. Team LML we stand UNITED!!:
    In Response to Re: A call to arms for the TKO revolution. Team LML we stand UNITED!! : I notice that my name has not appeared in the latest list but somehow it appears when the list is quoted. Am I to assume the invisible dog role or is it more of an under the table role. I will be biting geriatric ankles on the night and the damp patches on the old folks legs won't all be from burst colostomy bags, some might be down to me. I have a couple of other tricks up my sleeve too but I don't want to get chat banned so I'll just call it strategic leg hugging. That should put a few of them off their cocoa.
    Posted by elsadog
    You're putting me off just about everything - just from thinking about it.
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