I think Hands 1 and 2 typify my main leak - calling too many river bets.
Hand 2 - yes I know I should have bet the turn!
While I am unlucky to have been overtaken on the river but are the calls justified?
Hand 3 the river card kills the action and puts me behind so happy to check down - but did I do anything wrong earlier?
EDIT - H/H not posting very well - I will repost them in separate threads...
Thanks Mrs D - I was doing everything right just with the wrong browser - I prefer Firefox too just somehow had it my head that it was Chrome that worked best on here.
Hand 1 - bet flop, bet turn, bet/fold riv. Just missing out in too much value not betting a street here. As played we can deffo fold riv imo, people bet 2x pot on rivers thin or as bluffs close to never. Don't he ever has worse Jx, this will be pretty nutted almost all the time
Hand 2 - yeah bet turn, as played calling riv is fine imo. These spots aren't thin but against loose passive fish (which is our most common opponent at 10nl) we wanna vbet thinner cos they call too much and just get used to bet/folding. Folding to a raise doesn't necessarily make your bet bad
Hand 3 - bet bigger on flop but otherwise nh, wp imo
Thanks Lambert - Hand 1 was the real car crash. I had been mixing up whether or not I c/b flops but was a bad one not too. Really should have folded to river too. I guess the signals from the betting were they didn't have much and suddenly loved their hand on river which only leaves 88. Unnecessarily large bet if it was a bluff / thin value bet.
I see that sort of betting pattern a lot in tourneys when s/stacks feel only way to win a pot is to move all in on a blank looking river. Guess I need to adjust to a cash mentality as people don't make as many moves with the blinds not increasing.
Hand 2 having called flop believing bet wasn't strong and then improving I really don't know why I didn't bet turn. Must admit I felt their river bet could be str8 but again hadn't factored hitting the pocket pair. I was torn because I planned to rep any diamond but when it came as an A I was suddenly stronger and didn't want to lose opponent. The real mistake was I guess not trying to get value when ahead.
Always ugly looking at your own bad play but hopefully quickest way to make sure I cut the mistakes out.
Being bit to passive buddy, your letting them take control of these hands and hitting their outs. you should be betting more Posted by alex1229
Fair point, especially on those hands.
In general in that session I was consistently aggro pre and on the flop.
I set out to be aggro full stop - The problems started when not getting action with hands like these where I hit something on flop/turn which I tried to counter by slowing down sometimes when I hit to keep the opponents in the hand.
I know its not effective though - thanks for the kick up the preverbial.
Thanks Lambert - Hand 1 was the real car crash. I had been mixing up whether or not I c/b flops but was a bad one not too. Really should have folded to river too. I guess the signals from the betting were they didn't have much and suddenly loved their hand on river which only leaves 88. Unnecessarily large bet if it was a bluff / thin value bet. I see that sort of betting pattern a lot in tourneys when s/stacks feel only way to win a pot is to move all in on a blank looking river. Guess I need to adjust to a cash mentality as people don't make as many moves with the blinds not increasing.Posted by Phantom66
I think that tactic is still used at NL10 and is something that is worth noting when you see players doing it. For example, there are certain players where I wouldn't be surprised to see a worse Jx hand or some odd holding that had one heart and bombs the missed flush draw.
Against an unknown though, sigh fold is best default. Let other players make the curiosity calls and give you the info you need for notes!
In Response to Re: Drip, drip, drip help needed to fix the leaks please : I think that tactic is still used at NL10 and is something that is worth noting when you see players doing it. For example, there are certain players where I wouldn't be surprised to see a worse Jx hand or some odd holding that had one heart and bombs the missed flush draw. Against an unknown though, sigh fold is best default. Let other players make the curiosity calls and give you the info you need for notes! Posted by shakinaces
Thanks shakin.
I guess with notes they do that makes it easier to call
without notes it is more a case of how often is it seen at cash v tourneys and I reckon folds will save me money in the long run.
Played a two table session last night with a more committed aggro approach post flop.
Seemed to work but obviously very early days.
I have checked my stats and in the session (about 75 mins) I had 18 hands where I won or lost more that £1.
Won 12 of those and lost 6
Overall profit
Would have been a lot better but for this hand (which looks a lot similar to the ones above!).
Rivered again- I lost more because I had been more aggro on flop/turn and built pot while ahead. I called the river bet thinking I was probably behind but the pot odds were so good and the opponent could have been repping the K especially as learning from before I had made some (hopefully) disciplined folds on the river earlier on the table.
Therefore not as concerned about this hand as I was from others, unless you think different?
Hmm... I'm a nit so I probably fold hand 1 on the river unless I know the villain really well. Seems unlikely they'd often be all in on the river without a K or maybe a 9... would be quite surprised when they turned over a set!
Personally I think you can bet a bit more on flop and turn during hand 2. Oppo either has undercards and folds even a 1/2 pot bet the majority of the time, or has 1 or more broadway cards and will likely call 3/4 or maybe even full pot bet (personally I bet 2/3 - 3/4, but even that is probably too little at these levels). Therefore you may as well bet bigger and aim to get max value the times he does have a hand.
Arguably the bigger sizing can also work better as a bluff as well, when you don't flop as big, so can keep a consistent 2/3 or bigger bet whenever this sort of flop comes down (and avoid being exploitable). This reduces the chance a small pair may get sticky and may even get more folds from weak Jx/Qx hands, as well as Kx and Tx hands that have reasonable equity.
Hmm... I'm a nit so I probably fold hand 1 on the river unless I know the villain really well. Seems unlikely they'd often be all in on the river without a K or maybe a 9... would be quite surprised when they turned over a set! Personally I think you can bet a bit more on flop and turn during hand 2. Oppo either has undercards and folds even a 1/2 pot bet the majority of the time, or has 1 or more broadway cards and will likely call 3/4 or maybe even full pot bet (personally I bet 2/3 - 3/4, but even that is probably too little at these levels). Therefore you may as well bet bigger and aim to get max value the times he does have a hand. Arguably the bigger sizing can also work better as a bluff as well, when you don't flop as big, so can keep a consistent 2/3 or bigger bet whenever this sort of flop comes down (and avoid being exploitable). This reduces the chance a small pair may get sticky and may even get more folds from weak Jx/Qx hands, as well as Kx and Tx hands that have reasonable equity. Just my opinion though... Posted by shakinaces
Yes pretty much what I thought too - ugly call said as much in chat (after my polite nh and an admission of luck from the winner). Guess part of brain was kicking back against some pretty nitty folds earlier and picked the wrong time to find out.
Generally I was betting 2/3 to 3/4 as I was concisously trying to be more aggro, I do click 1/2 sometimes though which is generally a leak I guess. Sometimes if I think 3/4 is too strong I am just too lazy to both do the maths and type in a number around 2/3 size and click on 1/2 instead.
In 2nd hand especially there were plenty of hands that would have paid me off though which is why I posted it as an example of poor play.
Not much point in me posting hands which show my fantastic skills as I dont want to scare people away from playing me ;-)
Thanks Mrs D
Hand History #815953558 (13:34 10/09/2014)
Hand History #815951114 (13:20 10/09/2014)
Hand History #815947087 (12:56 10/09/2014)
I see that sort of betting pattern a lot in tourneys when s/stacks feel only way to win a pot is to move all in on a blank looking river. Guess I need to adjust to a cash mentality as people don't make as many moves with the blinds not increasing.
Hand 2 having called flop believing bet wasn't strong and then improving I really don't know why I didn't bet turn. Must admit I felt their river bet could be str8 but again hadn't factored hitting the pocket pair. I was torn because I planned to rep any diamond but when it came as an A I was suddenly stronger and didn't want to lose opponent. The real mistake was I guess not trying to get value when ahead.
Always ugly looking at your own bad play but hopefully quickest way to make sure I cut the mistakes out.
In general in that session I was consistently aggro pre and on the flop.
I set out to be aggro full stop - The problems started when not getting action with hands like these where I hit something on flop/turn which I tried to counter by slowing down sometimes when I hit to keep the opponents in the hand.
I know its not effective though - thanks for the kick up the preverbial.
Against an unknown though, sigh fold is best default. Let other players make the curiosity calls and give you the info you need for notes!
I guess with notes they do that makes it easier to call
without notes it is more a case of how often is it seen at cash v tourneys and I reckon folds will save me money in the long run.
Seemed to work but obviously very early days.
I have checked my stats and in the session (about 75 mins) I had 18 hands where I won or lost more that £1.
Won 12 of those and lost 6
Overall profit
Would have been a lot better but for this hand (which looks a lot similar to the ones above!).
Rivered again- I lost more because I had been more aggro on flop/turn and built pot while ahead. I called the river bet thinking I was probably behind but the pot odds were so good and the opponent could have been repping the K especially as learning from before I had made some (hopefully) disciplined folds on the river earlier on the table.
Therefore not as concerned about this hand as I was from others, unless you think different?
Hand History #816439952 (21:46 11/09/2014)
Hand History #816418640 (21:11 11/09/2014)
Personally I think you can bet a bit more on flop and turn during hand 2. Oppo either has undercards and folds even a 1/2 pot bet the majority of the time, or has 1 or more broadway cards and will likely call 3/4 or maybe even full pot bet (personally I bet 2/3 - 3/4, but even that is probably too little at these levels). Therefore you may as well bet bigger and aim to get max value the times he does have a hand.
Arguably the bigger sizing can also work better as a bluff as well, when you don't flop as big, so can keep a consistent 2/3 or bigger bet whenever this sort of flop comes down (and avoid being exploitable). This reduces the chance a small pair may get sticky and may even get more folds from weak Jx/Qx hands, as well as Kx and Tx hands that have reasonable equity.
Just my opinion though...
Generally I was betting 2/3 to 3/4 as I was concisously trying to be more aggro, I do click 1/2 sometimes though which is generally a leak I guess. Sometimes if I think 3/4 is too strong I am just too lazy to both do the maths and type in a number around 2/3 size and click on 1/2 instead.
In 2nd hand especially there were plenty of hands that would have paid me off though which is why I posted it as an example of poor play.
Not much point in me posting hands which show my fantastic skills as I dont want to scare people away from playing me ;-)