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Wow! I hit a nice river...for once! Ha

edited January 2010 in Sky Poker Tournaments
Well guys,

Just thought I would post up a hand that I've just had in the £500 Bounty Hunter...

I was getting really short stacked, lost a huge pot when I went in ahead so it knocked me down low..

This is what I picked up....think the hand played itself really but certainly wouldn't mind some of that more often!!

I ended up finishing 15th out of 146 i think? Not a bad finish but once again like my recent results....not able to get to that last stage of Final table!!

The hand thing comes messing up so basically...I had J 8 hearts...

flop came JJQ with 3 players in the pot...

I check, then a raise, a fold....round to me and I flat call....

Turn comes 3...I check, he bets 2,400....I push all in for 7.5k....

He calls and turns over J 9 :(

River comes an 8!!!

Bang on! Put me up to about 20k but I then pushed with Pocket QQs against A J and he hit trip A.

Ah well, on to the Primo tonight!

Team Hustler baby!


  • edited January 2010
    Hi mate how you doin? We met in the orfordable last night and i think you had a very good game.I also think(what you already know and have posted elsewhere) that you are tending to play a less than good hand at crucial late moments in a tourny.You have as i say found your own flaw and if you tighten up a wee bit i think you are going to do pretty well.all the best mate dav
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Wow! I hit a nice river...for once! Ha:
    Hi mate how you doin? We met in the orfordable last night and i think you had a very good game.I also think(what you already know and have posted elsewhere) that you are tending to play a less than good hand at crucial late moments in a tourny.You have as i say found your own flaw and if you tighten up a wee bit i think you are going to do pretty well.all the best mate dav
    Posted by dav1964
    Hey mate, yeah I remmember ya from last night. Really well played and well done for going so deep mate. You played extremely well.

    Thanks for the advice man, gonna take it under my wing and try to improve my game! Just as I say this I have just lost to a flush on the river in the Primo whilst hitting a set of 3s on the flop! Bummer!

    See you at the tables again soon dude! Thanks again.
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