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bit unlucky running deep in 15k and mini then pop!
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancebuddha350Small blind 500.00500.002178.00gazzaluf05Big blind 1000.001500.0064151.50 Your hole cardsAA rivermunkyRaise 3000.004500.0016872.50kopite1984All-in 33001.5037501.500.00K8LOUFold The_HuxFold buddha350Fold gazzaluf05Fold rivermunkyAll-in 16872.5054374.000.00kopite1984Unmatched bet 13129.0041245.0013129.00rivermunkyShowAA kopite1984ShowQQ Flop 6410 Turn Q River 8 kopite1984WinThree Queens41245.00 54374.0
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Still unlucky mind.