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DonttelmumSmall blind £0.10£0.10£77.82mrdaviesBig blind £0.20£0.30£26.53 Your hole cards89 Curt360x27Raise £0.60£0.90£19.60superryanCall £0.60£1.50£30.11natok11Call £0.60£2.10£19.40DonttelmumCall £0.50£2.60£77.32mrdaviesCall £0.40£3.00£26.13Flop 567 DonttelmumCheck mrdaviesCheck Curt360x27Check superryanCheck natok11Bet £2.40£5.40£17.00DonttelmumCall £2.40£7.80£74.92mrdaviesCall £2.40£10.20£23.73Curt360x27Fold superryanFold Turn 4 DonttelmumCheck mrdaviesCheck natok11Check River 9 DonttelmumBet £5.10£15.30£69.82mrdaviesCall £5.10£20.40£18.63natok11Fold DonttelmumShowK2 mrdaviesMuck89 DonttelmumWinFlush to the King£19.38 £89.20
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I think I should either have shoved after bet call on flop or lead out on turn for pot size..not really sure just a terribly played hand.
We just gotta know what we're trying to flop... i.e. we aint gonna go completely nuts on Q98cc or 872r or whatever.
Obv this is the flop we want, flatting or raising is ok but cos we're multiway and given the preflop action it's just so likely at least 1 or people are gonna wanna come along to a raise with sets/NFDs/maybe like TP + OESD etc so I prefer a raise on the flop but it's not a big mistake.
I'm just betting the turn myself cos I think it's gonna get checked back SO much, given how many people made it to the flop, even sets now are probably like 'meh I'll call a bet to try and house up, but I don't wanna bet myself cos I'll cry if I get raised'.
River is ugly cos so likely someone had a FD and our straight aint even that great anymore cos now everyone who had 8x is chopping with us, so a fold is probably best but don't think you made any huge mistakes... maybe just the river call.
But we have no idea that DTM has K2cc do we?
We can't play a hand based on what we know their hand to be when we find out their hand after the it's over.
Also, you say we make DTM fold the turn like it's a good thing. On the turn he only has like a 1in5 chance of making his flush, we don't want him folding.
Yes, I know this! I'm simply 'playing' the hand the way I probably would have, and making a guess as to what would have happened as a result.