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Best Hand Starting Hand in Omaha?

edited January 2010 in Omaha

Earlier on i was playing my very first game of Omaha and during the latter stages i found myself with a starting hand of AAKK each ace and king was a club and spade, is this the best starting hand?

if the sky guys would like to know what hand im on about and would like to see it i will list the relative info for it now...   Hand History #222998084 (21:58 11/01/2010)

Feedback Appreciated



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    edited January 2010
      AAKK double suited is the best starting hand you can get. But the main thing to remember is that omaha is more of a game of flops and streets and not preflop moves. AAKKds  works out to only be about 60% favourite against a hand like  910JQ double suited.  Unlike in holdem you are never really that far ahead preflop so you should err on the cautious side until the flop comes down and the hand gets defined. I have seen too many people go to war on a hand just because it contains AA. Players struggle to lay it down postflop in holdem but in omaha it is even more critical to be able to lay these hands down if you miss the board totally. The main thing to remember is to play hands that contain 3+ nut drawing hands so you have the best chance of hitting the flop and going on to win the pot. There are a lot more good starting hands in omaha and the important thing is to not get married to any of them until they have hit and hit hard.
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    edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Best Hand Starting Hand in Omaha?:
      AAKK double suited is the best starting hand you can get. But the main thing to remember is that omaha is more of a game of flops and streets and not preflop moves. AAKKds  works out to only be about 60% favourite against a hand like  910JQ double suited.  Unlike in holdem you are never really that far ahead preflop so you should err on the cautious side until the flop comes down and the hand gets defined. I have seen too many people go to war on a hand just because it contains AA. Players struggle to lay it down postflop in holdem but in omaha it is even more critical to be able to lay these hands down if you miss the board totally. The main thing to remember is to play hands that contain 3+ nut drawing hands so you have the best chance of hitting the flop and going on to win the pot. There are a lot more good starting hands in omaha and the important thing is to not get married to any of them until they have hit and hit hard.
    Posted by Talon
    Talon, would you say it's probably best to see a cheap flop by limping in omaha then? As far as I can tell the game is more about draws rather than very strong/made hands pre flop (unlike Hold 'em)
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    edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Best Hand Starting Hand in Omaha?:
    In Response to Re: Best Hand Starting Hand in Omaha? : Talon, would you say it's probably best to see a cheap flop by limping in omaha then? As far as I can tell the game is more about draws rather than very strong/made hands pre flop (unlike Hold 'em)
    Posted by silentbob
      Omaha being a game that is mainly played on the flop and down the streets, i would say that limping is a good strategy because a flop can easily destroy a great starting hand.The key also is to bet hard when you hit to build up the pot and get rid of the weaker drawing hands. 3/4 to pot size bets only. The other thing is if you miss the flop dont call bets hoping to get lucky just fold
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    edited January 2010


    I'm not a Mod, but you need to be aware that Links to other Gaming Sites, or "Affiliate Sites", are NOT permitted.
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    edited January 2010
    Yes tikay is 100% right. links to other Gambling sites are not allowed on this forum.

    (i have removed the post/ link)

    please keep all posts inline with the Community House Rules. (found here)

    any questions just ask.

    thank you!
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