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Main Event Semi / Micro Sats
Hi Guys
Me again, Would it be possible to have micro's and Semi Sats to main events on in the evening of the previous day, I work most week days so i am unable to play micros into the semi finals which i have done on occasions when im home and able to play.
My skill level doesnt allow me to buy directly in to Semi's and feel confident that i will qualify or even be able to compete but if i can micro in at least i stand a chance.
Im sure others will agree with me. I will totally understand if these sats are after main event late reg's close to keep traffic flowing in that direction but for people who work and unable to play 12pm micros this would be awesome ... if not slightly tired the next day at work.
For example i want to play the Skysports bounty hunter tomorrow. although yeah i could afford to pay for it directly via non poker means i play for fun so cant warrant paying £33 to play with no real expection of winning big but just to take part would be great.
What you say lets give it a trial??
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