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Omaha is really starting to get to me now + Some people are just born with luck!

edited January 2010 in Omaha
HartshorN Small blind   10.00 10.00 2170.00
deejon1965 Big blind   20.00 30.00 2140.00
  Your hole cards
  • 2
  • J
  • 7
  • 10
littlele27 Call   20.00 50.00 1530.00
corbett04 Fold        
Retz Call   20.00 70.00 2010.00
alexis74 Call   20.00 90.00 1940.00
HartshorN Call   10.00 100.00 2160.00
deejon1965 Check        
  • 6
  • A
  • 9
HartshorN Check        
deejon1965 Bet   100.00 200.00 2040.00
littlele27 Call   100.00 300.00 1430.00
Retz Fold        
alexis74 Fold        
HartshorN Call   100.00 400.00 2060.00
  • 8
HartshorN Check        
deejon1965 Check        
littlele27 Bet   200.00 600.00 1230.00
HartshorN Raise   800.00 1400.00 1260.00
deejon1965 Fold        
littlele27 Call   600.00 2000.00 630.00
  • Q
HartshorN Check        
littlele27 Check        
HartshorN Show
  • 2
  • J
  • 7
  • 10
littlele27 Show
  • 10
  • 2
  • 7
  • 9
littlele27 Win Flush to the Ace 2000.00   2630.00
littlele27 Small blind   25.00 25.00 1775.00
corbett04 Big blind   50.00 75.00 1580.00
  Your hole cards
  • 7
  • Q
  • 8
  • A
Retz Call   50.00 125.00 2550.00
alexis74 Fold        
HartshorN Raise   100.00 225.00 1240.00
deejon1965 Fold        
littlele27 Call   75.00 300.00 1700.00
corbett04 Call   50.00 350.00 1530.00
Retz Call   50.00 400.00 2500.00
  • 2
  • 5
  • 9
littlele27 Check        
corbett04 Check        
Retz Check        
HartshorN Bet   50.00 450.00 1190.00
littlele27 Call   50.00 500.00 1650.00
corbett04 Call   50.00 550.00 1480.00
Retz Fold        
  • K
littlele27 Bet   50.00 600.00 1600.00
corbett04 Call   50.00 650.00 1430.00
HartshorN Raise   250.00 900.00 940.00
littlele27 Raise   400.00 1300.00 1200.00
corbett04 Fold        
HartshorN Call   200.00 1500.00 740.00
  • 5
littlele27 All-in   1200.00 2700.00 0.00
HartshorN All-in   740.00 3440.00 0.00
littlele27 Unmatched bet   460.00 2980.00 460.00
littlele27 Show
  • K
  • Q
  • 10
  • K
HartshorN Show
  • 7
  • Q
  • 8
  • A
Just so annoying, it's alway on the river, it's ALWAYS against me... I play the game the way it should and i get fu**** over each time.

Ive lost to much money by going in ahead and coming out behind, and i know this is one of the main aspects of Omaha, but when i get nothing to play with properly at the start, but when i do hit i ALWAYS get outdrawn by the river, so many time sin the past few days.

Sorry i know it always appears i'm moaning but nothing is going my way.


  • Options
    edited January 2010
      In all honesty you could not have played those hands much worse.The first hand is an appaling hand and not worth even making the blinds up with. Then you call a bet on the flop with absolutely nothing, hoping to get lucky. You brought that upon yourself. Hand 2 is not a raising hand but is very playable, when the flop comes down you hit the dream and then you min bet it to give your opponents the odds to call and catch up.

      Hand 1 fold pre flop net result lose 10 chips not 1000
      Hand 2 bet the pot on the flop  net result win 300 chips not lose 1340.

      You need to tighten both your calling and raising ranges to plug these leaks and NEVER EVER min bet.
  • Options
    edited January 2010
    I couldn't agree more with Talon. Don't bemoan getting outdrawn when you are going into a pot with rubbish starting hands and hoping you hit the flop.
    If you do hit the flop and are playing PLO, then pot it, don't min raise as you will get anyone on the draws,two pairs etc being priced into the pot. If you had passed these hands you would have been in a much better position and not leaked your stack.

  • Options
    edited January 2010


    Please read my Post on your Thread in General Poker Chat.

    When - as I hope - you read the "Omaha Hints & Tips for Beginners" Thread, I'm sure you'll note the advice about "danglers".

    "danglers" are cards that do not "fit" with your hand. Your first hand was J-T-7-2 - so the 7 & the 2 are "danglers". "Dead cards" really.

    Think of the 4 cards in your hand as 6 x 2 card hands. Assuming we call each card, respectively, A, B, C & D, your "2 card" hands are..... 







    Most Omaha players would instinctively want a minimum of THREE "2 card" hands before entering a Pot. So, in your case, J-T-7-2 is one hand, & should be binned.

    Q-J-T-2 DS (DS = Double-Suited) is playable, just. It  contains 5 playable 2-card hands - Q-J, Q-T, J-T, & the 2 FD's. (FD = Flush Draw). So if the PFB (Pre-flop Betting) is not heavy, worth taking a look at a flop.

    Q-J-T-9 DS is excellent, (almost all 6 "2 card" hands are playable) as is Q-T-9-8 DS. Any decent Omaha player, if the hands were face-up, would be very happy to take on A-A-x-x (pre-flop) with hands such as this, (bin it if you miss the flop) as it has so many ways to improve. A-A-x-x has almost no improvenments in it, & has no "extensions" or "improvers".

    Playing hands like J-T-7-2 will almost always end in tears.

    Pre-Flop look to have 3 or 4 "2 card" hands".

    Post-Flop you MUST have "extensions" or "improvers". "Extensions" are basically what Omaha is about.

    By the way, can you fold the flopped nuts? If not, you must learn to. There are numerous situations in Omahs where it is 100% CORRECT to fold the flopped nuts. Welcome to Omaha!
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