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Hello Sky Community, I have a railing question...
As I am now Team Tikay (and will duly remain faithful to the mighty sidekick of Lord Orf until our leader returns), I managed to 'rail' Tikay for the last hour or so of PTP tonight.
Understand this is my first kiss with 'railing' and I happened to be quite 'typecal' (vocal but typed - stay with me!) on my maiden voyage....picture me whoop whooping when Tikay doubled and you'll get the picture!! Although I didn't know any of the other players I felt a bit bad for only supporting El Cappo and duly started cheering for the short, deep and medium stacks too...
The point is, how do the players feel about being railed? Do you ever find the chatterbox banter off-putting or does it rally your play like vinegar and chips?
I'm interested to know how the Community feels about it as I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE railing but on the flip side I wouldn't want to affect anyone's game that I hadn't 'bought in'.
Is there any poker etiquette on this?
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As a constant railer of tikay, and all of the PTPers, they are more than happy for you to do it, as am I, I dont mind people railing as greg, LML, tikay to name a few will confirm
The quality (and persistence!) of the railers are an integral part of playing on this site!! Anyone not wanting to chat only has to minimise the chatbox or head to miniview... For the rest of us it keeps the evening moving and provides some much needed encouagement, comiserations and comedic relief.
Long Live the RAIL!!!
Watchers Watchers Watchers!! - Whats this term railing all about - ur watching!!!! grrrr!
However, on normal PTP nights the P in PTP is playing against other, no doubt losing when playing tikay, players who might be losing their own cash. If tikay doubles up against someone on a cash table they might not feel too great when a railer is Whoop Whooping tikay and telling him to "do it again, do it again".
(What did I write a serious post, surely not?
Obviously this does not apply if the losing player is Orford.. He loves it.
Your Railing last night was spot-on, & it's the Railers on Sky Poker who make it what it is - fun.
It is important when Railing an individual to try to be even-handed & gracious towards other players - as you were last night - but railers - for me - improve the fun quotient 100%.
I have also decided that when TKO II starts, youi shall be nominated as Team tikay Official Chief Railer.
"Railers" (because they are "railing", "on the rail") has been the collective term for some 10 years now for those who watch a poker game. It derives from the edge of the poker table being known as "a rail".
Viva La Rail!!!
El Cappo, at your service Sir, I shall prepare and recruit other railers within this mighty army of our's to dismay, disillusion & demoralise the very lovely but unjust forces of Team LML (Sorry Lord Orf but you chose your side...)
Thank-you LML, AceBarry10, MereNovice, MADMOO & even D'OHHHHHH for your insightful replies...glad to know that most people don't mind a bit of background up and at em or if they do they can turn off chat; however note must be taken of Machka's response, whose advice and goodwill I will definitely take! From hence forth I will (mostly) rail with honour, tact, grace and decorum (unless it's the TKOII/TKLML/B&TB *Please delete as appropriate)...for this is my solemn oath
Seriously guys, thanks, just don't want to step on anyone's toes while I'm having fun!!!
See you on the rails!!!
Irene x
Some people are to kind to say "look mate really need to concentrate here" so i tend to calm it down a bit when it gets to the business end of a mtt or they not replying much
Last thing i want to do is cost anyone money
Irene x
Jaegerbomb, you have prior warning about the COLIN/HIPPO trick...DO NOT SUCCCUMB YOUR CHIPS!!!
Good to hear your both on the railing bus
Irene x