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Disconnected while leading tournament

I,m not sure if the late reg just finishing had anything to do with it but Sky poker crashed when i tried to raise on this hand : It could have got me 2 heads and given me a big lead (All other sites wre fine at the time)

alichris Small blind 75.00 75.00 2030.00
terrytabs Big blind 150.00 225.00 3650.00
  Your hole cards
  • 8
  • 8
kesh101 Fold
MP33 Fold
MEM796 All-in 3870.00 4095.00 0.00
mak68 Fold
alichris All-in 2030.00 6125.00 0.00
terrytabs Fold
MEM796 Unmatched bet 1765.00 4360.00 1765.00
alichris Show
  • 10
  • K
MEM796 Show
  • 3
  • 3
  • 9
  • 4
  • A
  • 5
  • 4
MEM796 Win Two Pairs, 4s and 3s 4360.00 6125.00


  • Options
    edited November 2014
    Had the same problem yesterday....puke!!

    Tried to bluff turn and obv go all in on the river SIGH! lol
    boxer147 Small blind   75.00 75.00 1058.75
    stuartno14 Big blind   150.00 225.00 4100.00
      Your hole cards
    • 5
    • 2
    12345696 Fold        
    mgsport Call   150.00 375.00 5770.00
    th3duk3 Fold        
    mrsduck Call   150.00 525.00 7322.50
    boxer147 Call   75.00 600.00 983.75
    stuartno14 Check        
    • 4
    • 8
    • 3
    boxer147 Check        
    stuartno14 Check        
    mgsport Bet   600.00 1200.00 5170.00
    mrsduck Call   600.00 1800.00 6722.50
    boxer147 Fold        
    stuartno14 Fold        
    • 9
    mgsport Check        
    mrsduck Check        
    • A
    mgsport Bet   900.00 2700.00 4270.00
    mrsduck Fold        
    mgsport Muck        
    mgsport Win   1800.00   6070.00
    mgsport Return   900.00 0.00 6970.00
  • Options
    edited November 2014
    unlucky wow how bad did the other players they hands.
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