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Early in tonight's Main Event, opinions on fold? The guy just joined, so got no read!
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalance120573Small blind 15.0015.001965.00natedog021Big blind 30.0045.002215.00 Your hole cardsAQ MilitantGRaise 120.00165.003805.00densleyCall 120.00285.001880.00TsparkFold kwdFold 120573Fold natedog021Fold Flop 6J10 MilitantGCheck densleyBet 142.50427.501737.50MilitantGRaise 300.00727.503505.00densleyRaise 821.251548.75916.25MilitantGFold densleyMuck densleyWin 885.00 1801.25densleyReturn 663.750.002465.00
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C/f this combo imo.
So in theory he should fold if i raise enough and if he calls it will give me a better idea where he's at. Also I have two overs and a gut-shot.
Although I think I could have achieved this by just betting on the flop, but i don't usually like betting OOP as he could always make a play on me and I would have to fold 99% of the time.
Thanks for the feedback guys, really helpful.