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Did I play this PLO hand like a muppet?

edited January 2010 in Omaha
PLO - 10/20p - early position i raise to 70p with AcTc9c8h and get reraised to £1.70 by button.  I call £1 and flop is Qc7h6c - looks like a perfect flop top me.  I check and button bets £2.  I check raise to £8 and button calls.  I think my winning % is about 70% on this flop (it's actually 69%) so willing to put in all money.  Turn is Qd which is great for me.  Even if button has Q I can still catch up on the river and if he hasn't he has to fold.  I move all in for £14 and get called by KsQsTd5d.  So my check raise on the flop was called by top pair with no draw.

Should i have checked the turn and then re-assesed?


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    edited January 2010
    In Response to Did I play this PLO hand like a muppet?:
    PLO - 10/20p - early position i raise to 70p with AcTc9c8h and get reraised to £1.70 by button.  I call £1 and flop is Qc7h6c - looks like a perfect flop top me.  I check and button bets £2.  I check raise to £8 and button calls.  I think my winning % is about 70% on this flop (it's actually 69%) so willing to put in all money.  Turn is Qd which is great for me.  Even if button has Q I can still catch up on the river and if he hasn't he has to fold.  I move all in for £14 and get called by KsQsTd5d.  So my check raise on the flop was called by top pair with no draw. Should i have checked the turn and then re-assesed?
    Posted by BillyBonzo
    turn was a poor card for you,you could have been drawing dead at that point  to a set of sevens or even sixes that had now housed up.
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    edited January 2010
    In Response to Did I play this PLO hand like a muppet?:
    PLO - 10/20p - early position i raise to 70p with AcTc9c8h and get reraised to £1.70 by button.  I call £1 and flop is Qc7h6c - looks like a perfect flop top me.  I check and button bets £2.  I check raise to £8 and button calls.  I think my winning % is about 70% on this flop (it's actually 69%) so willing to put in all money.  Turn is Qd which is great for me.  Even if button has Q I can still catch up on the river and if he hasn't he has to fold.  I move all in for £14 and get called by KsQsTd5d.  So my check raise on the flop was called by top pair with no draw. Should i have checked the turn and then re-assesed?
    Posted by BillyBonzo
    I don't know why you think the turn card is good for you, I think it is a horrible card for you. It is now a paired board and therefore it is possible your op has the house.  
    I like your play on the flop as your hand is strong there with the nut flush draw and straight draw but the moment that Q comes down on the turn your draws have seriously gone down in value and therefore you need to slow down accordingly.
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    edited January 2010
      Firstly i dont think you should be raising in early position with that hand. It is quite a nice hand but i would much prefer getting in cheap to see a flop because that is when the hand is defined. The 3-bet pre flop most of the time indicates a pocket pair so you should immediately be on the look out for house/quadding boards. The board comes down perfectly for you and the check raise into the preflop aggressor is a nice move. You do however have one weakness in your hand and that is one of your outs is in your hand and not live, that is the third club. You have a lot of straight and flush drawing cards available so you should still be very confident. The Q on the turn is probably the worst card in the entire deck for you because it basically kills your hand stone dead.The best thing you could have done on the turn is check ready to fold to any bet. Yopur hand consists of a pair of queens and lots of low level draws on a paired board. Chasing straights and flushes on a paired board is probably the quickest way to the poor house when playing PLO. If you get in this situation again go passive on the turn not aggressive because you are potentially drawing dead and therefore just giving money away.
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    edited January 2010

    Thanks all for the replies.  I must admit that him housing up on the turn never crossed my mind when Iplayed this hand and tried to put him on a holding.  What hand could he have to flat call the check raise?  With QQ he's pushing all-in after my check raise.  With 77 or 66 is he not doing the same since the turn could bring a real scare card for him and he's either racing when I have exactly my perfect draw or he's ahead 2/1 to any flush or straight draw?  He's only behind if I have a higher set.  Alternatively, what sort of two pair hand could he have for the re-raise pre-flop?  Q-7, Q-6, 7-6?  Surely not?  And again is he not either folding or pushing the check raise with these hands?

    I honestly thought he was on a draw when he called the check raise and it looks as if I have the better draw.  Even if he does have a Q, he can't have housed up (imo) and I'm still 30% after the turn.

    I'm new to PLO so I'm keen to learn from those more experienced.

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