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Can i get away?

edited January 2010 in Omaha
Was pot limit and had only just sat down with the boss
was above my normal level but not playing scared until i lost this 
The winner had only just joined as well 
Planetpkr Small blind  £0.25 £0.25 £65.92
Llamaman Big blind  £0.50 £0.75 £126.36
  Your hole cards
  • 8
  • 10
  • K
  • 8
TrevorH Fold     
tikay1 Raise  £1.75 £2.50 £46.09
HuFlungPu Call  £1.75 £4.25 £48.00
Planetpkr Call  £1.50 £5.75 £64.42
Llamaman Call  £1.25 £7.00 £125.11
  • 5
  • 5
  • 8
Planetpkr Check     
Llamaman Check     
tikay1 Check     
HuFlungPu Bet  £7.00 £14.00 £41.00
Planetpkr Call  £7.00 £21.00 £57.42
Llamaman Fold     
tikay1 Fold     
  • 9
Planetpkr Check     
HuFlungPu Bet  £21.00 £42.00 £20.00
Planetpkr Raise  £42.00 £84.00 £15.42
HuFlungPu All-in  £20.00 £104.00 £0.00
Planetpkr Unmatched bet  £1.00 £103.00 £16.42
Planetpkr Show
  • 3
  • 7
  • 5
  • 5
HuFlungPu Show
  • 8
  • 10
  • K
  • 8
  • 6
Planetpkr Win Four 5s £101.20  £117.62
Finding it hard getting a read on pot limit and i instantly called the reraise putting him on a straight
Do i check the flop?
Check the turn?
Fold his reraise when there is that ammount in the pot?


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    edited January 2010
    You wouldn't ever be able to get away from this on the turn even if you were against a solid player. Its a sick cooler which nobody would ever be able to get away from for 100BB.

    5x, 58 and 59 would easily be within his range which would happen much more often than him having 55.
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    edited January 2010
      Ok lets go through this stage by stage. Dont mind the call preflop as you have 3 playable hands (88,8 10 and K8 suited) and position. The flop brings you the second nuts and you were perfectly correct to pot it at this point. Now the flat call should sends warnings to you, he obviously has some part of that flop because it is a big bet. You need at this point to try and figure out what he has, best bets are 85 55 overpair or just a 5. Anyone who calls that bet on that board with a straight draw is a fool or doesnt understand omaha, and we have no prior to work from.

      The turn card although it seems quite anonymous has devalued your hand. You have gone from second nuts to third nuts here.Now here is where the critical decision happened, your pot sized bet her committed all your stack because it meant that you had 60% of it in the middle and there is no way you could fold to the reraise.Possibility that you could check here to keep pot control.

      All in all i dont think you did much wrong here and i dont think anyone could have got away from this situation. If you continue to play hands like this in the same way you will be an overall winning player because you played it as good as you could but just walked into a cooler.

       Now on the other hand lets look at your opponents play. He hits the absolute nuts on the flop and slow plays it which to me is an error. This being pot limit the only way to make sure you get paid off is to build the pot up and not sit back and hope that someone else does it for you, while you trap them. For me he should have fired out a weak bet say about £2 on the flop which could easily have been called in 2 places before it reached you and thereby really building the pot up. His strategy was based upon someone else having hit enough of the flop to fire out with only the 8 to aim at. Check calling and check raising with the nuts is holdem mentality and does not transfer  well to a pot limit game. The major key to betting in omaha is to build the pots up whilst keeping your opponents in the hand when you have a real monster.

      Overall well played mate, i know you lost your stack but that is results oriented thinking. Your hand selection was fine and so were your bet sizes, all you need to do next time is get that bit of luck as well
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    edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Can i get away?:
      Ok lets go through this stage by stage. Dont mind the call preflop as you have 3 playable hands (88,8 10 and K8 suited) and position. The flop brings you the second nuts and you were perfectly correct to pot it at this point. Now the flat call should sends warnings to you, he obviously has some part of that flop because it is a big bet. You need at this point to try and figure out what he has, best bets are 85 55 overpair or just a 5. Anyone who calls that bet on that board with a straight draw is a fool or doesnt understand omaha, and we have no prior to work from.   The turn card although it seems quite anonymous has devalued your hand. You have gone from second nuts to third nuts here.Now here is where the critical decision happened, your pot sized bet her committed all your stack because it meant that you had 60% of it in the middle and there is no way you could fold to the reraise.Possibility that you could check here to keep pot control.   All in all i dont think you did much wrong here and i dont think anyone could have got away from this situation. If you continue to play hands like this in the same way you will be an overall winning player because you played it as good as you could but just walked into a cooler.    Now on the other hand lets look at your opponents play. He hits the absolute nuts on the flop and slow plays it which to me is an error. This being pot limit the only way to make sure you get paid off is to build the pot up and not sit back and hope that someone else does it for you, while you trap them. For me he should have fired out a weak bet say about £2 on the flop which could easily have been called in 2 places before it reached you and thereby really building the pot up. His strategy was based upon someone else having hit enough of the flop to fire out with only the 8 to aim at. Check calling and check raising with the nuts is holdem mentality and does not transfer  well to a pot limit game. The major key to betting in omaha is to build the pots up whilst keeping your opponents in the hand when you have a real monster.   Overall well played mate, i know you lost your stack but that is results oriented thinking. Your hand selection was fine and so were your bet sizes, all you need to do next time is get that bit of luck as well
    Posted by Talon
    Hi Col
    Take a look at my reply to Hartsorns post, your thoughts m8 please

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    edited January 2010
    Thanks for the reply Colin and thanks you too Colin for replying to Colin

    Im glad i played it as good(nearly) as possible and have played a fair few Ohama games now , and even in this game its unusual to flop quads and someone else(me) flop the nuts full house.Even if i check at any point im not sure im good enough to lay it down when he raises into me
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    edited January 2010
    On a board of 855 i cant see anyone laying it down but if the board was 8 10 10 then it is much easier to fold. Just keep it going mate you will be fine
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    edited January 2010
    I really have to take this fantastic opportunity to completely disagree with a  Colin!

    The question you are asking here is "can I get away?"---and the answer is a very definate YES YOU FLOPPIN CAN!!!

    When we sit down at a texas holdem cash table, we are prepared to lose a portion of our bankroll, usually in the region of 5%.

    In the case of Omaha, because of the massive variance factor, this % figure is far too large, in fact, sound bankroll management would suggest that around 1% of your bankroll is closer to the mark. So, sitting down here with 50 quid would suggest that you have a bankroll of around 5000 quid-------------DO YOU?-----?

    Is there a button on the table that say's EXIT?

    YOU CAN GET AWAY HERE !!---LOL---Only messin ya mate, but imo, omaha is a floppin mental game, where, if you sit there for a while, your whole stash will go in the middle, and if you reload, your whole stash will go in the middle again, and guess what will happen if you reload again?---You have to do a lot of gambling in omaha, that you do not have to do with holdem, there is no such thing as solid play in this game---I am a fluppin NUTTER mate---and even I won't play it on a floppin cash table---lol--gl floppa texas whoppa!
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    edited January 2010
    I mean for flops sake--look at the hand that beat you!--this game is flop diddlee doo dah MAD I tell you!!!--lol
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    edited January 2010
    Thanks for the valuable info OYYY!
    When i first sat down with the £50 i'd say it was about 10% of my BR, so yes was playing above my limit, and as you correctly assumed i reloaded straight away, lost another £25 before i left

    Next time i will wait till i have 10k as my BR before i sit down at the 2/4p Omaha tables, let alone 25/50

    Btw Congratulations on your win yesterday  :)
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    edited January 2010
    nice one huflung, I think I'll wait untill I've got 10k in my bankroll before I still won't sit down at an omaha cash table, the average pot in this game is usually 3-4 times as high as in holdem, I just looked in the lobby and saw one game at the 2p/4p level, the average pot is 1.60,and there are no players seated there at all !!!---just goes to show how floppin mad this game is----lol
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