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Saints fan !!!
You should support the mighty Cherries :-))
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Well Hello Hello.... In the Christmas Swing of things yet??
Been a while since I was last in the studio and I’m very glad to be back with my fellow TOP Sky Sports Fantasy Footballer Karl Mahrenholz this Thursday evening, so I hope you'll be joining as we discuss some top poker action.
(Overtake me and there’ll be trouble Lofty… there's currently 13 points between 1st and 2nd)
Though I was a little sickened to find out Mr Orford had topped the points for this month in the Fantasy Football league… He’s still WAY down below though (obviously) so no need to panic just yet.
Here’s where it gets JUICY…COMPETITION TIME!
Want to win a TURBO TUESDAY seat for next week?
Well, we’ll be giving away a few (I’ll try for as many as I can
for BEST CONTRIBUTIONS and QUESTIONS in to the show tonight
Seeing as I went to watch SOUTHAMPTON v ARSENAL at the Emirates last night, being a Saints fan, but going with my Gooner boyfriend, I was under STRICT instructions to be quiet.
Be quiet!? Me???!!! It was tough. I really did have to practice my POKER FACE in a real life scenario.
This was my face 5 minutes before the end, when I had totally lost all ability to practice my poker face...
Tell us about a time when you had to practice your poker face in real life?
Maybe you received an awful Christmas present and had to keep a straight face??
I’d quite like to know about awful Christmas presents too on that thought?! Any that were REALLY REALLY bad??
ALSO, on the news that Stu Rutter marched out to a final table last week with Desiree blaring out of the speakers...
what would be the song you marched to the final table to and why?
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Here on the forum
Tonight’s show will be a good one. It looks like this:
7pm – Midnight
We’ll be jumping back and forth from the various MTTs, MASTERCASH tables and maybe even S&Gs on
SO… as we are going to be so flexible, let us know if you’re on any of the TV flagged tables and we’ll try to get your hands analysed!
ALSO Don’t forget to head over to the Promotions page for the Christmas Challenge to see what today’s special prize might be. It’s our very own Sky Poker interactive advent calendar!
Also, plenty of satellites to try and get in on the cheap and play from the new skypoker app for ipads and iphones.
Looking forward to see you at the felt!
And as Christmas is a-coming….
Kasabian - Fire
cuz im on FIRE !!!!!
How should I have played it?
Hand number #841237079
Songs to Be Played when I enter the Final Table (What's a Final Table?)
Rock This Town - Stray Cats
Get Ready For This - 2Unlimited
In the Air Tonight - Phil Collins
Conquest of Paradise - Vangelis
Waterfront - Simple Minds
or maybe even
I'm Too Sexy - Right Said Fred
It has to be ICE OF THE TIGER by Survivor
My poker face came when my Father in law asked me what i would like for Christmas, as i was in the building trade at the time i said a jigsaw power tool, christmas day i opened his present to me and i get a jigsaw puzzle of a country scene, and the father in law says hope it is one you like.
All the best.
i was playing live yesterday in a very reputable card room i wont name any names! the tourney stared at 7 and late reg until 9 it was a freezeout with 1 re the previous 2 nights they had missed the guarntee by a long way so at 9.10 i seen somebody bust and re enter wchich is after late reg also somebody got moved to the right of me at 9.30 he had just regged 2 hands later this guy bust somebody who had been sat on my table since 7! so basicaly i seen alot of people late reging after 9pm shuld they of been allowed to do this should i of said something???