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Sky Poker Forums is upgrading its look! Stay tuned for the big reveal!
Tuesday Night Live Show with Fowle, Teakles and Ross Jarvis 7pm CH861 and online ***official show th
Hello folks,
hope all is well with you. Back in the cosy studio tonight we have myself, Teacakes and Ross Jarvis, who is mainly coming in to show off!! Well done I supppose for getting lucky in the Super Roller on Sunday night!! We will be following his (not quite a winning) journey on tonight's show 
He will be with us from 7pm, so if you have any questions for him, make sure you get them in to us. So basically I have 2 totally different generations of analysts on the show tonight, the young and old of Sky Pokerand 'two' brains for you to pick... Pick away...
We may also be visiting a few of the tournaments playing tonight, plus some Mastercash, give us a shout if you see any interesting hands, with the hand ID and the table it came from.
The Turbo Open is tonight's main event, with an £11 buy in and it kicks off at 8pm. Free to get into if you are signing up for the first time tonight.
'What piece of advice, poker or life related, would your older self tell your younger self?'
That's all for now, don't forget to send in your selfies (especially with your Xmas trees in the background please!! Tikay would love to see them)
Chow for now
A & T xx
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Going to flip the advice question around if you don't mind...
Younger self to older self...
Don't write cheques your body can't cash
In other words grow up and act your age !
Have a good show all
Good Evening.
Due to a horrendous flight back from Goa a dozen years ago, the only advice I would give to a younger self, is 'pack more Imodium and don't even think of eating those prawns'
If your in a taxi with a lady after the pub and she gives the driver the same address you went too the previous week with a different lady theres a good chance they're related and u should go too your house!
Hope you have a great show.
P.S Would be very grateful if you nice people would give a small plug too the brand new ......
Thurs 11th December Week 1
"Dont Play Poker on Bath Nite"
pls Mention Brian, Churchy18's New FOSP Hilo League staring thurs!!
All welcome to play, including YOU, as long as you ain't washing your Hair!!
No, the "Last Longers" will no longer be offered, but there WILL be other opportunities to win seats. You'll need to watch the Show, though.
Great to see Tikay back on the show; he has been absent for too long!!!
Advice that I would give to my younger self:
Play online much more while the going is good & before everybody improves. Take the game seriously, talk to better players & improve your game so that it is ahead of the improvement curve of the majority of players.
Also make friends with that Tony Kendall bloke because in 20 years time he might be able to you a job on SKY Poker, a channel that doesn't yet exist but will be the must watch show in several years time.
"Don't play Omaha Hi-Lo DYMs with Macacgirl. She will take most of your money".
(Although she will make it a fun experience as she does so)
A. That tie!
An iPhone is a smart interactive telephone.
On it you can play all sorts of things, like chess, draughts, backgammon and skypoker.
VWP in the MAIN EVENT Mr Jarvis, unlucky in the mini.
All the best.
What is an Iphone? An Iphone is a smartphone developed by Apple Inc. and beloved by geeks and those who think that design is more important than functionality (and price).
What can you play on it? Almost anything from Scrabble to something called Angry Birds, inlcuding the wonderful Sky Poker through the Sky Poker App.