Sky Poker forums will be temporarily unavailable from 11pm Wednesday July 25th.
Sky Poker Forums is upgrading its look! Stay tuned for the big reveal!
i love it... hasnt played a hand for yonks decides to play this one haha
paris1995Small blind £0.15£0.15£34.77daveyt1987Big blind £0.30£0.45£2.63DonttelmumSit out Your hole cardsKK COLEY1Call £0.30£0.75£44.05ChirpyChipRaise £0.90£1.65£36.55mrdaviesCall £0.90£2.55£38.28paris1995Fold daveyt1987Call £0.60£3.15£2.03COLEY1Call £0.60£3.75£43.45Flop 649 daveyt1987Check COLEY1Check ChirpyChipBet £2.81£6.56£33.74mrdaviesCall £2.81£9.37£35.47daveyt1987All-in £2.03£11.40£0.00COLEY1Fold Turn 5 ChirpyChipBet £3.00£14.40£30.74mrdaviesCall £3.00£17.40£32.47River 6 ChirpyChipCheck mrdaviesBet £17.40£34.80£15.07ChirpyChipAll-in £30.74£65.54£0.00mrdaviesCall £13.34£78.88£1.73daveyt1987ShowJ4 ChirpyChipShow46 mrdaviesShowKK ChirpyChipWinFull House, 6s and 4s£77.08 £77.0
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