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Master Cash 16th Jan - Make Your Play ONE
Erm, Eccles Cake?
Sorry, but this just looks like someone has slumped across your keyboard to me. Because of that, I'm probably folding, and then finding a desolate place where I can weep

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Some excellent replies last week, & fascinating to see that on one of the questions, the Vote was split almost equally betwen "Fold" & "Raise"! Evidence, if evidence were ever needed, that we all see the game differently, & that's how it should be.
For the first of this week's two Questions, (which Sky-Ling gives to me), there is some hardcore poker lingo. It'd be good to see a discusssion on what these mean, & how you interpret them. And if you don't know what they mean, please ask, as I'm sure there'll be a plethora of replies.
Right, here we go.
6 handed, £1 - £2.
Villain VPIP/PFR 22/19 for 36 hands.
Hero Image is LAG, & is UTG, with £282 behind.
Villain has £216.50 behind.
UTG Hero Raises to £6 with As-2s, CO Calls the £6, so does Villain, who is round the back
Flop 4s-Th-Qs
Hero bets £14 with his NFD, CO folds, Villain smooths.
Turn - Jc
So it's now 4s-Th-Qs-Jc
Hero bets £30, Villain smooths again.
River Tc
So it's 4s-Th-Qs-Jc-Tc. Scary!
Check Folds?
Bets £70?
Please use the Vote Option, & comment on WHY you do whatever you do.
Also might be interesting to comment on Hero's play here.....
The Show e-addy address is skyopen@bskyb/com, feel free to send in your comments, please.
Er... VPIP/PFR 22/19 for 36 hands?, could you clarify for me please?
I dunno if I can fire a third shell here, unlikely hes on the same flush draw as us, as we obv have 2 spades, the straight draw on the flop, jack king, has improved, and will probably call the river bet, 2nd pair on the fop has become trips, and top pair is still top pair and unlikely the villain wud fold it after calling twice.
Not sure about the lingo...have no idea what it means.
But having a LAG image isn't gonna do us any favours when trying to get the river bet through......
Cant really see a way to win this pot - I give up, check fold.
PFR - pre flop raise - 19 (it means when he plays he raises most - 19 out of 22 times)
TAG player - tight aggressive
These are stats that are available on software such as HEM which you cannot use on Sky Poker
I think he folds the pair on the flop unless he makes a set. I think he raises if he hits a set because of the flush draw. Therefore i would say he has suited connectors. Is he on the same draw as us? maybe. The question is as he picked up a pair or straight draw along the way. I would probably fire a shell on the river for about half pot and hope he's been chasing the same draw as us. we can't check because he might have missed the flush draw like we have and decide to bluff the river and then we can't call.
While we are LAG we also raised UTG and have shown strength all 3 streets. Plus I wouldn't say that our image is too laggy givien the stats. 22 is reasonably tight and we have always shown strentgh when entering the pot, and we are UTG which polarised our range. I think that betting looks very very strong by river and we really need to fold out Js that got there, like J9/KJ/AJ.
There are some villains were I would just give up tho, but vs an unknown I think that betting is the best option.
This one is not so simple, for me it would depend on how im feeling/playing. On a good day im going to bet but probably to pot size, to take it down and put pressure on the villain.
On a poor day, id check fold.
Check calling is just stupid imo
I have voted for check fold as i have more bad days than good lol.
Hi Barry
Basically it means that this guys plays 22% of his hands. 1 in 5 nearly. This is tight on a 6 handed table.
The pre flop raise (PFR) figure is basically what he does when he decides to play a hand. The closer to the 22% the more aggressive the player is. i.e if someone has 22/22 it would mean that every hand they play they would raise and never call.
if someone had 22/0 they would still be tight but they would limp into pots and just call raises rather than raise themselves.
The higher the vpip is the more hands the player is playing and therefore the looser they are. I would say anything over 35 is loose and anything under 25 is tight. In between is well, in between.
Hope this helps Barry
Thank you, but think ill leave well enough alone
I just hate the spot we have got ourselves in, given the 3 options im probly gonna check fold and stop opening such a wide range UTG... If you really wanted to fire though it is easy to rep AK, full houses as we have taken a really strong line, mite this be a spot to overbet bluff forcing a good player to fold out everything but 10 J/ Q J/QQ/JJ.
anyhow fwiw all u put above is valid if the riv was a spade