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Hi Sky Community,
Please can you clear something up for me? Recently (at a pool tourney of all things) I happened to make it to the final table at live game with a full tilt player...obviously he didn't want to advertise this which was why he was wearing his special full tilt badge!!!
Now, I had A9 suited in position and was getting pretty short, as there had been no raises before me (and in true TK stlyeeee) I shoved, FT guy called under the gun..everyone else folded.
I ended up getting sucked out on the river to his J6 off (he spiked a 6, I'm over it...that's just poker right?)
Now, I was just leaving to collect my lovely winnings when I happened to mention that FT man had called with a below av hand as I believed that the av hand was Q7...In response the table laughed at me, called me an uncultured donkey and told me to get back to my PC (as if that was an
The ACTUAL average hand (I was informed as they laughed with mirth ) is J3 and apparently every 'proper live' player know's this...
So, before I go and make a complete fool of myself again please can you confirm if this is indeed true or fiction? With the facts I can decide if I am indeed an internet yob with no class and low
Irene x
0 ·
Having input the hand in PokerStove, the results indicate that Q7o is, indeed, better than average with equity of 51.77%. ("Equity" is just a posh term for its chances of winning).
PokerStove (and all online odds calculators that I am aware of) only use a sample of hands to create this statistic but I think that you can be fairly confident that this is pretty close to the true value.
However, it is definitely not true to say that J3 is the average starting hand since this will win only 45.28% of the time.
PokerStove indicates that Q5o is closer to the average at 50.12%.
Note that in all of these figures that the odds of a split pot have been consolidated into the winning percentage.
So, in summary, while Q7 is not the average hand it is much closer to the average than J3o.
If you'd like more information please let me know.
the only thing they excel in is donking off chips easy.
i play alot live and online n tbh it just sounds as tho u were playing with a bunch of pri£$"%!!!
n the FT player probly stacked off so many times on the site that instead of making another deposit he decided to buy a shirt off ebay as it will last longer than a buy in.
I know...good job I have a hide like a rhino
To be fair BlackFish3, I have been called much, much worse, especially when I was a total vagabond at school Ooops, bad me!!...pmsl
Just to let you know that your feedback on here is second to none and I know how much I and the other forumers appreciate such thoughtful postings
You are a TRUE GENT!!! - may the sun shine eternally on your tables (except if I'm playing
A million thanks
Irene x