Sky Poker forums will be temporarily unavailable from 11pm Wednesday July 25th.
Sky Poker Forums is upgrading its look! Stay tuned for the big reveal!
Do you have to lose your money, because the sky software is so screwy...entered the 7k double stack, table wudnt open, rang customer service, same old nonsense.....welll heres the thing, this laptop is 2 days old, high spec , all the latest flash player etc, and she starts to tell me to clear my cache, update my flash player do u not realise we;re sick of it?...i play on 6 other sites with no probs at all!!!
yea ok i got my stake refunded , but it aint the point a moderate spender on this site , but if a manager doesnt ring me back in the next 24 hrs , that will change very quick!
The question is sky , how many times do people have to complain, before you finally get your technical act together , like most other sites have.
And if a suits reading this , it would be nice to have a manager ring me !
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you got a refund though so all good right?
Bear your left brest (intentionally misspelled), stand on one leg, and hold an oven ready chicken under your arm Hogan. We'll get back to you regarding membership asap.
It's the only way to stay connected imo.
omg it must just be me that has periodic problems with the site!! and of course my 2 day old high spec computer, he says as he thrashes the bytes out of it with a external harddrive.
hope my membership gets screwed up ( i used a turkey deliberately! )
There are many reasons why you may be having problems with your connection. If it was a problem specific to sky then we would ALL have problems, but we don't. There have been a number of posts, some by myself, regarding the problem with slow running and connection, and the reasons for it are many-fold. If you wish you can look through past threads, or, if you wish I and probably others will be happy to help if we can.
I offered help and tried to help you get to the bottom of YOUR problem. I think I'm wasting my time though because going off this and other posts I think you're a wind-up merchant.
Can't wait for the download--- it will change my life!----touch wood !
C'mon guys .. lets be honest how may of you when you get moved tables and find yourself UTG and you to act .. your lucky if you see your cards let alone hit a button (fold call raise) the software passes you ....
How many, when the game starts find themselves 'sat out' with one or two hands already played ...
How many times when your playing do you see others 'sat out' with the red line showing the player away from the table ...
How much time do you get to act ? Lucky if it's 2-5 secs !!
In tournaments it's not the players or the RNG thats beating you, it's the fact that after several faults with the software, you end up getting your chips in because your afraid your going to be disconnected ...
The saga of the down loadable site coming soon was told to me at a live APAT event last March !!
SKYBET are launching NEW software very soon, BUT it's not down loadable, why would they be doing that IF a downloadable site was imminent ?? They wouldn't !!
So 'HOGAN' is right the software i s '~~~T" but if you all want to keep believing it's coming soon then carry on ... NO one from Skypoker will say YES DEFINATLEY !!!!
All that's said is, "It's coming soon" ...yea and even Stevie Wonder can see that...
Truth is they wont tell the truth, because if they said,
'Oh we'll carry on with what we have, and keep adding updates like Omaha and a few bit's and bobs", how many people do you think would stay here ?
There would be a mass Exodus, so ultimately you just have to keep the faith !
Lets see if Des , Rich or TK join this thread and say,
"People we DEFINATLY HAVE a down-loadable site coming in the next TWO months !!
More Tea Vicar ?
anyone see this post?
I am not in any cliques, by the way, at least not to my knowledge.
you cant put that down to my network, machine or anything my end surely?
This forum was supposed to be for the players ??
Ive been writing on another sports forum, for over two years now(oops correct that four years) many people do you think have been banned or chat banned ??? NONE !!
Sure one or two threads have had to be taken down, but sometimes people do let off steam but in the main their over it the next day and the whole community end up laughing about what happened ..BUT no one has been banned in all that time, because the forum is for The People Not a Company and that's the problem here !!!
This forum has been taken over by the propaganda machine that is Skypoker, manipulating the threads to support its own marketing of it's own products and promotions !!
If if smells like a stink ...then it's p o o !! and NO I'm not in any Clique
What?!! I thought you was in my Clique
Ps.. The little dancing man is scaring me.
Late addition: Oh! that little dancing man ......... it's only Barry, he won't hurt you.