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Complete hand analysis of a hand at 100PL

edited January 2010 in Omaha

Hand History #224258211 (23:04 15/01/2010)

scotty77 Small blind   £0.50 £0.50 £205.46
tchino2008 Big blind   £1.00 £1.50 £146.47
  Your hole cards
  • 3
  • J
  • 6
  • J
clubber224 Raise   £3.00 £4.50 £188.69
Ghoti Fold        
Llamaman Fold        
pembboy Call   £3.00 £7.50 £100.20
scotty77 Call   £2.50 £10.00 £202.96
tchino2008 Call   £2.00 £12.00 £144.47
  • 8
  • 2
  • J
scotty77 Check        
tchino2008 Check        
clubber224 Bet   £6.00 £18.00 £182.69
pembboy Fold        
scotty77 Raise   £24.00 £42.00 £178.96
tchino2008 Fold        
clubber224 Call   £18.00 £60.00 £164.69
  • 9
scotty77 Bet   £46.00 £106.00 £132.96
clubber224 All-in   £164.69 £270.69 £0.00
scotty77 Call   £118.69 £389.38 £14.27
scotty77 Show
  • 3
  • J
  • 6
  • J
clubber224 Show
  • 10
  • 2
  • 7
  • 5
  • 3
clubber224 Win Straight to the Jack £387.58   £387.58
PF - Can I 3bet here, or is JJxx too thin?
Flop - I don't think theres anything different I can do here really.  Apart from bet pot obv.
Turn - I now have 3rd nuts...time to check/call and try to fill up river or what???? Obv when he raised I was very aware I was looking at QT/T7....I think if we were like bothe 300 deep at the start of the hand I can then fold given stack sizes....

Thanks guys.


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    edited January 2010
    You've given us no history on the villain so it's difficult to be too precise here.

    Pre-flop, I'd fold. That's really not a great Omaha hand and you're OOP.

    On the flop. bingo.
    You've hit the nuts but, as almost always in Omaha, there are lots of drawing hands to beat you.
    Flush draws and wraps (or both) are both possible.
    Like you, I'd check-raise but I'd raise the pot here - I'm happy to take a pot down with the nuts after a pre-flop raise and a flop c-bet in a 4-way pot. I'd check-raise (I'm not sure if everyone would agree) because it gives the best option for taking down the pot or at least getting it HU. If you check and all your opponents check behind you, you can bet out on a favourable turn or check if you house up and try and get paid by a straight, flush or worse house on the river.
    Your opponent makes a really loose call of your check-raise but you have to put him on a big draw here (a lower set is less likely).

    The 9 on the turn is an average card. It doesn't make the flush but definitely fills a wrap (and in this case just a gut-shot).
    Since you have top set and have no other card that pairs the board, you can give yourself 10 outs on the river whatever he has (unless you are already ahead).
    I guess that you bet out on the turn to protect your hand against what you thought might be a flush draw. I probably check here but I may be in the minority on that.
    You are 23% to make the winning hand on the river but you aren't getting the odds for that. With his all-in I would generally assume that I am beat and fold but if he was playing as a  LAG (as his pre-flop raise suggests) then I might call on the basis that I think that he has just found a card that he can represent and he doesn't necessarily have the straight.

  • Options
    edited January 2010
    Preflop - This is not a good hand at all, but you are 4way and as long as you are capable of folding JJ on a JKAKx board then continuing is fine. You are top/middle set mining only.

    Flop is fine as played, you dont have to pot the nuts all the time, it inflates the pot when you are out of position when they are over a dozen bad cards that can come on the turn.

    Betting 46 on turn is bad, very very bad. 9 fills the wrap, which is not the worst thing in the world, but by betting so large villain can pot to a much larger amount, which means you are never offered the correct odds to draw to your boat. This is incredibly exploitable if villain is capable of bluffing a flush draw here.

    Because I am still learning omaha, I can't offer optimal advice for turn action. All i know is, betting big is bad!
  • Options
    edited January 2010
    In Response to Complete hand analysis of a hand at 100PL:
    PF - Can I 3bet here, or is JJxx too thin? Posted by scotty77
    Omaha is not holdem, JJ with 2 danglers is a total, total spewy 3bet. Is there any board apart from J72r that you would be happy with?
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    edited January 2010
    Fine except pre fold imo
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    edited January 2010

    Fold Pre, Ryan. You have total spanners, & need to get very lucky. The fact that you did is irrelevant.  
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    edited January 2010
    Before I start, fold preflop to a raise especially in 6max :-) But heated games result in loose calls so I can't blame you. My analysis as played:

    Villian in this hand is very LAG so his preflop range is somewhat open. I think the check/raise is fine since villian will probably be raising this flop whatever with his style. However you have to be aware that him flatting your raise will likely signal a draw because a lower set would likely result in a 4-bet and 2 pair/overpair will be folded. Villian is more than capable of flatting many strengths of draws here.

    After the flop I think your range would be very polarised to a set - the other possibility is a wrap+fd but you would have probably led out the flop in this case.


    The 9 is a horrible card especially if your out of position.

    As stated in previous posts raising this turn is bad because it will only result in a fold from a missed draw or a raise from a made draw. As stated above your range is quite polarised to a set here so villian can even consider raising with 7Txx as played.

    The most important thing is that you need to think forward to the river. Its very rare for a LAG villian to have 88/22/99 here. Therefore check/calling a pot size bet on the turn might not be a great move since your getting little implied value on the river if you do hit ~25% of the time.

    I know it sounds nitty but a check/fold would probably be the best way to play this hand based on the flop action, but you could get away with calling around a half pot or slightly above because of this small implied value you could get by hitting on the river plus the additional chance that villian is bluffing. I can't blame you for how the hand played though since you have limited time to make your decision with no time banks.
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