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Finally had enough of being trounced in every game. May not be a fantastic player but even I can tell its time to go when you cant win a hand even when being dealt top cards 10 times in a row and lost every one. Rubbish cards being played by others and winning and no one should win almost every hand but it keeps happening.
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Come on Sky, play fair.
Nice sharing a table with you tonight.
Don't be too disheartened over one game.
You got very unlucky in the JJ hand against the other guys Ace 10.
You played well and solid.
I can understand why your angry if you've taken alot of bad beats, but in reference to the highlighted comments i know your a good player. so knowing that lets assume you get the money all in while ahead around 80-85% of the time as an estimate and you go in behind the other 15-20%
so naturally if your going in ahead 4 times more than your going in behind, your going to recieve 4 times as many bad beats as you dish out.
well thats how i try and look at it anyway, still doesnt stop it being annoying though.
i wonder if people (myself included) should look at these suckouts in a positive way, after all the more times you recieve them the better your decision making was up to that point to get the money in good. hmm thats my new outlook. bring on the bad beats!!
See ya.
So you are now OK with the RNG?
"....Something very wrong has happened to Sky's RNG......"
"....Jesus, even Zynga, that I play while taking a dump, has a better (i.e. fewer beats and unlikely run outs) RNG than Sky....."
Poker is an absolutely amazing game, & does not need spicing up or jiggery-pokery from RNG's tro make it fun, exciting, & most of all, unpredictable.
It;s how popker works, Live & Online, always has, & always will.
If you want to play poker, then buckle up & embrace the variance - BOTH sides of it. Poker without variance is like Fray Bentos Steak & Kidney pudding without Bisto Gravy Granules.