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Unable to sit or close cash tables
Not a regular bug, but every so often I open a new cash table from the lobby - it loads - but then the reserved comes up on a seat for a bit and never actually lets me sit or let me add cash. Happened again last night as I tried to join a table of weaker players (of which there aren't many weaker than me, so I have to take these opportunities when I can!!)
After a while the reserved option times out.
But then I can't click on 'sit' and play at the table, even though one or more seats remain unfilled.
And I can't click on 'exit' to close the table and reload.
Only way to stop the table being open on my desktop and entirely redundant is to close the download client down completely and restart (not an option when you already have games running).
Obviously not a major issue, but something for the programmers to try and fix?
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