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hand options

edited March 2015 in The Poker Clinic
Was in a deep stack tournament had three kings but there was a flush draw opponent bets heavy what do aye do


  • edited March 2015
    In Response to hand options:
    Was in a deep stack tournament had three kings but there was a flush draw opponent bets heavy what do aye do
    Posted by kyaden20
    What street? Did you know the opponent and how were they playing other pots? What was the exact board and the betting pre and post flop? Did you have trips or a set? What were your relative table positions/stack sizes? Who else, if anyone, was in the pot? 

    Answer some or all of these questions and people will be able to answer your initial question with a bit more accuracy.

    But if you are considering folding three of a kind on a flushing board, it's a good thing so long as you are thinking about your opponents possible range of holdings and then weighing up the possibility of whether they are likely to have us beat or not, do we have the odds to call to house up. Implied odds, blah blah blah

    Fwiw, Sometimes I would snap fold trips in a deepstack in this situation and sometimes I would call or even raise,  it totally depends on everything I have mentioned above and perhaps more factors too, like how much booze have I drunk.. :)
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