Tikay said in the Team TK Winners Tourney Thread (ahem, WooHoo!) that LML, The Big O and himself were all heading to Luton. Saw Trev brielfy on a cash table around half nine to ten
Where are all the Skypeople today and tonight ?? No RIchardO ..TK .. LML ... No SkyRich ..No MattB No ED No Sky Des No anyone ? No Photos cleared for approval ? spooky or what ...? Maybe there all Chat banned ) Posted by bennydip2
Hi benny
Yup, Lisa-Marie, Orford and tikay are/were playing live at Luton, the rest I dont know
benny telling tales lol, getting all the sky workers into trouble with the suits - your buddy mod 1 will be pm you for that now lol. Bet you were teachers pet and a prefect lol.
Actually the reason none of them were online at the time is the auditors were in trying to find a certain sum of money that had gone missing from one of the tournaments lol
Actually the reason none of them were online at the time is the auditors were in trying to find a certain sum of money that had gone missing from one of the tournaments lol Posted by Kiwini4u
No RIchardO ..TK .. LML ... No SkyRich ..No MattB No ED No Sky Des
No anyone ?
No Photos cleared for approval ? spooky or what ...?
Maybe there all Chat banned
Yup, Lisa-Marie, Orford and tikay are/were playing live at Luton, the rest I dont know
sorry i wasn't right there to answer this call but....11.47 is way past my bedtime!!!
Money missing - What a Fiasco!
How much was missing btw?
+ £0.56 that never turned up in the 1st place!!!