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The HitSquad Team Thread

edited June 2017 in Team Talk
Sadly, our history has been lost unless the kind folks at SKY Poker can find some way of resurrecting it but here is a new home for our players to make comments.



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    edited April 2015
    As ever, we have the weekly DTD competition tonight and we are looking to retain our monthly crown for the fifth, sixth, seventh or more consecutive month (not sure, the DTD history has gone as well).

    We have a good lead after two weeks courtesy of the great work of many last weeked with "Cracked" leading the way and winning the weekly prize. Let's all work together to be top dogs again tonight.

    The Future's Bright, The Future's Pink
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    edited April 2015
    Onwards and upwards - Let's gooooooooo!
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    edited April 2015
    Once More unto the Breach Dear Friends!!!

    The HitSquad will play Forum DTD tonight with Dignity & Honour!

    The HitSquad will continue to support this great Institution.Thanks to the DTD admins for all the hard work over many years. We have had issues in the past but got over those, as we shall now.

    We in the HitSquad respect everyone that makes Monday's Forum DTD happen & SKY Poker.

    This event is loved by many and is my personal favourite night of poker on SKY. Long may it continue!

    Consilio et Animis
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    edited April 2015

                 Let THEHITSQUAD thrive & prosper
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    edited April 2015
    wp hitsquaud put everything behind you now,. its happend now its gone,gotta look forward now,gl tonight im sure all at TPT will agree
    TPT ftw
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    edited April 2015
    In Response to Re: The HitSquad Team Thread:
    wp hitsquaud put everything behind you now,. its happend now its gone,gotta look forward now,gl tonight im sure all at TPT will agree TPT ftw
    Posted by stokefc
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    edited April 2015
    GL all playing DTD's tonight
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    edited April 2015
    In Response to Re: The HitSquad Team Thread:
    wp hitsquaud put everything behind you now,. its happend now its gone,gotta look forward now,gl tonight im sure all at TPT will agree TPT ftw
    Posted by stokefc
    Was good until the last bit. GL tonight.
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    edited April 2015
    Team Hit Squad will pick itself up and dust itself down, onward with the battle to retain our crown!
    Friends ,Romans and Team Hit Squad,we are here together in spirit of friend ship to meet and greet .So enjoy while you are still standing battling through the Flop, the Turn and the River.
    We come in peace and offer you an olive wreath!
    May the victors enjoy the crown!
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    edited April 2015

    All ways look on the bright side of life, do do do do, do do :-)

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    edited April 2015
    DTD results 2014

      NameJanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecTOTALriverrick87051102120061465bbMike19100180211017261bolesAA46041211011007055Ice_Tiger070813900107853sherifoo701100001196001148Moon_River0081800001104647Tsaaaar583010258000142luvBWFC0900300050111341johnfrum0000000018160640shirley02008150030080034Wynne1938121010567000032HITMAN_RV30005000838330monkey1230000161200000028profman15021060730000028Wilhelm14007029020025simonlufc0000000121100023poshcole000050000001823ELUNDERDOG0001200100000022MacMonster004060000120022Bear_Proof0000000401050190ban001000090009193barrels90000801000018Slykllist00000900000918VespaPX90080000000017Sir-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_X0000001000001goldenb238<td align="center" style="bor
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    edited April 2015

    DTD results 2015


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    edited April 2015
    DTD scores after week 3 April

      Hitsquad Forum DTD Points Team Table

    Week 3 April 2015 Table

    Top TenWinsTeam Points
    WP ALL !!!

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    edited April 2015
    Welcome back, I endorse what Stokey posted. The turn out in the DTD last night was a tremendous advert for the Sky community. 

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    edited April 2015
    Had a few spare minutes this afternoon so decided to play a game on Sky

    Managed to finish 1st out of 30 runners in the 3pm £22 bounty to win £196.27.

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    edited April 2015
    Well Played Mac.

    Wish I could "Run Like Mac."
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    edited April 2015
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    edited April 2015
    Couple of scores from last nights PLO8's
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    edited April 2015
    Very nice Mick. I do enjoy the PLO8 night. Cards ran against me last night, kept hitting the flush only for matey boys to house up, low draws fading, etc. such is the game. Great fun.
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    edited April 2015
    In Response to Re: The HitSquad Team Thread:
    Very nice Mick. I do enjoy the PLO8 night. Cards ran against me last night, kept hitting the flush only for matey boys to house up, low draws fading, etc. such is the game. Great fun.
    Posted by bbMike
    Cheers Mike
    Yeh i'm loving Thurs nights.
    Nice thing about PLO8 is that you very rarely see any chuntering about bad beats.
    Players just accept it and move on.
    Great game.
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    edited April 2015
    In Response to Re: The HitSquad Team Thread:
    In Response to Re: The HitSquad Team Thread : Cheers Mike Yeh i'm loving Thurs nights. Nice thing about PLO8 is that you very rarely see any chuntering about bad beats. Players just accept it and move on. Great game.
    Posted by VespaPX

    Isn’t that a product of the game itself?


    I haven’t played too much PLO8, but I found the ebb and flow tends to lend itself to wild beats quite often. You become quite nonchalant to it all, because you know it probably won’t be long before it goes your way.


    Well done on your cashes :)

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    edited April 2015
    In Response to Re: The HitSquad Team Thread:
    Couple of scores from last nights PLO8's VespaPX 60000 1 £60 botneck 0 2 £37.50 suzy666 0 3 £22.50 eon1961 0 4 £16.50 penguin7 0 5 £13.50 smoki3 150000 1 £55.50 eon1961 0 2 £33 VespaPX 0 3 £22.50 trevil25 0 4 £16.50 blackace23 0 5 £12 Cormach 0 6 £10.50
    Posted by VespaPX
    Well played Mick.
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    edited April 2015
    In Response to Re: The HitSquad Team Thread:
    In Response to Re: The HitSquad Team Thread : Isn’t that a product of the game itself?   I haven’t played too much PLO8, but I found the ebb and flow tends to lend itself to wild beats quite often. You become quite nonchalant to it all, because you know it probably won’t be long before it goes your way.   Well done on your cashes :)
    Posted by Slipwater
    I reckon that's why not many play it as they wont have a bad beat story to tell their mates down the pub and the hoodie wearing internet wizzkids cant go crying to their mums. :-)
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    edited April 2015
    In Response to Re: The HitSquad Team Thread:
    In Response to Re: The HitSquad Team Thread : Well played Mick.
    Posted by 67Bhoys
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    edited April 2015
    In Response to Re: The HitSquad Team Thread:
    Couple of scores from last nights PLO8's VespaPX 60000 1 £60 botneck 0 2 £37.50 suzy666 0 3 £22.50 eon1961 0 4 £16.50 penguin7 0 5 £13.50 smoki3 150000 1 £55.50 eon1961 0 2 £33 VespaPX 0 3 £22.50 trevil25 0 4 £16.50 blackace23 0 5 £12 Cormach 0 6 £10.50
    Posted by VespaPX
    Well Played Sir!
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    edited April 2015

    Call to Arms Comrades!

    It is the final week of the month & it couldn't be closer with ourselves as joint leader. Times like this calls for heroes.

    We want 100% effort & 100% concentration. Play hard but play fair & make sure that the pink ribbons stay on the trophy for another month.


    Good Luck Everyone!

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    edited April 2015
    What an great few days I have had. Deposited £10.00 On Thursday morning and since then I seemed to have struck an amazing run. I managed to be involved in the 900,000,000 hand which gave me £350 cash, a Vegas Semi Final seat and a seat into the Sunday Roller. I have turned that £10.00 deposit into £1,310 so far. With my free seat into the Super Roller I managed to finish 8th out of 165 runners for a very nice return of £603.10.. 


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    edited April 2015
    Nice one Mark, keep em coming
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    edited April 2015
    In Response to Re: The HitSquad Team Thread:
    Call to Arms Comrades! It is the final week of the month & it couldn't be closer with ourselves as joint leader. Times like this calls for heroes. We want 100% effort & 100% concentration. Play hard but play fair & make sure that the pink ribbons stay on the trophy for another month.   Good Luck Everyone!
    Posted by Ice_Tiger
    Sorry can't play tonight as i'll be watching the Mighty Cherries secure promotion to the Premier League ! :-)

    GL all
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    edited April 2015
    gl vespa i hope you do it
    i was at bournmouth when the hillsbourgh disaster was happening sitting on the terrace next to someone with a radio being shocked as the death toll rose
    we won 1-0 but it felt hollow :(
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