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should sky poker have a badbeat jackpot?
for all the people screaming about bad beats i think sky should introduce a bad beat jackpot like alot of other sites do. for example if you have quad sixes or higher and get beat the peole involved in the hand should get a percentage of the jackpot. i wasn't thinking mega money jackpot jus 1 that build up during the daily play on the site. would like to hear everybody's feed back . thanks
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(great idea btw Tezzer)
Hi tezzer.
It is an interesting idea, & some players like the idea.
However, you do realise that we - the players - pay for it, don't you?
As such, I don't like the idea. The object of poker is to win, not lose, & rewarding bad beats, is just plain wrong imo, especially as we (the players) have to pay for someone losing a hand.
Beats - bad or otherwise (they are all the same imo - you either win or lose, it matters not whether the beat is "bad" or not) are a fundamental part of poker, & I think that rewarding them just goes against the grain, personally.
Just my view, mind. And doubtless a minority one.
Thanks for all your replys. Tikay yes i do know we pay for it, and i do see where your coming from but im sure even though we have to ay a rake it could be managed to be sort for examle on the low stakes table 2p - 4p, 4- 8, 5p - 10p say a 2p rake would be taken for the bad beat jackpot but only when there are community cards dealt. for blinds of 10p - 20p, 15p - 30p, 20p - 40p, 25p - 50p a rake of 5p should be taken and added to the jackpot. and for blinds 50p - £1 and higher there should be a 10p rake. And for tornaments increase the buy ins by say 5p. i do relise not all people will like this idea, and if eole wanted to moan about the size of the jackpot they should play more hands to build it up
thanks again