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Omaha Cooler 50nl

edited January 2010 in Omaha
Did i play this ok? Is there any possibility i could have got away? I think it was unpassable... but im always ultra critical of myself when i lose a big pot...

By the strength of tikay's reraise on the flop could/should i have put him on AAA or KKK. I thought if he had 666 that i was still in good shape to win the pot.... with flush and fh outs...

Thanks Omaha peeps

GREGHOGG Small blind   £0.25 £0.25 £79.39
STU71 Big blind   £0.50 £0.75 £31.87
  Your hole cards
  • 3
  • 2
  • A
  • K
tikay1 Call   £0.50 £1.25 £72.82
Llamaman Fold        
MereNovice Call   £0.50 £1.75 £49.12
classasa Fold        
GREGHOGG Raise   £2.25 £4.00 £77.14
STU71 Fold        
tikay1 Call   £2.00 £6.00 £70.82
MereNovice Call   £2.00 £8.00 £47.12
  • A
  • K
  • 6
GREGHOGG Bet   £8.00 £16.00 £69.14
tikay1 Raise   £20.00 £36.00 £50.82
MereNovice Fold        
GREGHOGG Raise   £60.00 £96.00 £9.14
tikay1 All-in   £50.82 £146.82 £0.00
GREGHOGG Call   £2.82 £149.64 £6.32
  • 3
  • 2
  • A
  • K
tikay1 Show
  • A
  • A
  • 10
  • 2
  • K
  • 9
tikay1 Win Full House, Aces and Kings £147.84   £147.84


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    edited January 2010
    Having read tikays comments on another thread re this hand, i have been advised it is completly unpassable....

    just the brutal nature of omaha. Fun hand though!  Im loving Omaha actually and cant wait to try hi lo which is coming soon apparantly

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    edited January 2010
    I think that you're missing the most important aspect of this hand, Greg.
    I managed to fold K875 with a backdoor low flush draw.
    Given the action, a remarkably tight fold by me, I thought.

    Seriously, it's just a cooler. There's nothing you can do; even if you suspect he has AA/KK then you get it all in - just in case.
    Personally, I think AA is much more likely than KK since it would be rather aggressive play with KK.
    It could equally be QJTx with two clubs.
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    edited January 2010

    Played itself IMO Greg.

    The only doubt you could have is that I never Raised pre with A-A-x-x, so you may think I don't have them.  I never Raised PF with them, as they were so bad, & they had no viable extensions. As a Rule, I'll see a flop with them & then muck to any strength.

    It's going against popular thinking to play them so passively pre, but my hand had absolutely no scope at all, unless I binked my Set. Hence it looked a bit deceptive I suppose.

    The flop was a no-brainer shove-re-shove imo, & we both hit, I just hit harder.

    Neither player did anything wrong. Whoever lost had to be unlucky, whoever won had to get lucky.
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    edited January 2010
      I see one major problem glaring out at me. You raised up OOP with a very marginal hand. Pre flop raisingis just pot building to ensure the pot gets big quickly. Which means you took the critical decision about your marginal hand before you saw how good your hand was after the flop. After the flop you were right to bet out with top 2 pair and the nut flush draw and from that point onwards the hand played itself and you did nothing wrong.

      Even if you had just limped in and kept pot control then the turn card would have killed you off anyway and you would have stacked off. The only thing you could have done to save your money would have been to fold preflop which is way too tight.

     Incidently that hand is a brilliant preflop raising hand when it comes to omaha HiLo.
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    edited January 2010

    Good Post by Colin (Talon) as to Greg's PF Raise.

    The truth is, he was very aggro pre-flop all evening. This is standard play in Texas, & conventional Omaha thinking says do the same, so he was playing by the book. But, imo, "the book" is wrong. 

    I don't subscribe to this "we must be aggro PF in Omaha", not one iota. It's a game where we need to see a flop & re-assess, & above all, exercise pot control. Button Raising with marginals in Omaha is a short cut to Carey Street. 

    Play flops!

    As to the actual hand, PF Raise or not, the money still all goes in on the Flop. I agree with Talon though, Greg's hand was pre-flop doo-doo in High, but a corker in Low. In fact, so was mine. But neither were much cop in High Only, but were excellent Hi-Lo hands.

    I don't think either of us can justify much pre-flop action with our holdings. This particularly applies to my A-A-doo-doo, which was really bad. If the pot gets big down the streets, I can ONLY win with that if I hit my set, & even then it's not a given by any means.
  • Options
    edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Omaha Cooler 50nl:
      I see one major problem glaring out at me. You raised up OOP with a very marginal hand. Pre flop raisingis just pot building to ensure the pot gets big quickly. Which means you took the critical decision about your marginal hand before you saw how good your hand was after the flop. After the flop you were right to bet out with top 2 pair and the nut flush draw and from that point onwards the hand played itself and you did nothing wrong.   Even if you had just limped in and kept pot control then the turn card would have killed you off anyway and you would have stacked off. The only thing you could have done to save your money would have been to fold preflop which is way too tight.  Incidently that hand is a brilliant preflop raising hand when it comes to omaha HiLo.
    Posted by Talon

    Thanks Colin.. I had a feeling my preflop action might be questioned, and rightly so...

    Thanks tikay, i see your point regarding preflop agression in Omaha and may review how i play as i develop as an omaha player. its still early days for me but im loving every minute.
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