Sky Poker forums will be temporarily unavailable from 11pm Wednesday July 25th.
Sky Poker Forums is upgrading its look! Stay tuned for the big reveal!
Hi Rich,
Regular viewer here.
Any idea which Team won this week's TKO?
And how did you, Lisa, & tikay get on, please?
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Afternoon all,

These Saturdays come round quick don't they? It seems barely a week since the last one.
Anyway, it's the double whammy again tonight- Mastercash at 8pm followed at 10pm by Total Player, where David Tuckman will pick his team's final 3 players, thus completing Round 1.
Will your favourite Sky Poker player be in the mix? Tune in at 10pm to find out.
Both shows are of course once again, completely LIVE on Channel 865 via Sky, or via our video player on the homepage.
For Total Player messages, please post on the Official Total Player thread, but here's where we want all your messages for Mastercash.
We're talking shout-outs, brags, questions, advice, comedy banter- you name it, we want it. And it will all be read out on the air between 8 and 10. It's what makes the show.
Alternatively you can email in to the show on or text a message to 84846 and, in possibly the most interactive feature yet developed for tv(!), you can rail the Mastercash tables and put comments in the chatbox which will IMMEDIATELY be fed into our ears in the studio and relayed to the nation.
The MasterCash tables we will be featuring tonight are 5, 6, 7 and 8. The levekls are 15p/30p in the first hour and 20p/40p in the second. So make sure you're either sat on the table or in the chatbox to be part of the live programme.
So, good luck in all your poker ventures tonight and don't forget to get involved in the show!
Orford Connectors, discuss...
First time poster I see. Thankyou for your questions which I have marked as urgent and put straight into my wicker file for immediate attention.
I will get back to you sometime in 2014. Please hold the line till then...
I challenge you to make use of the F word as many times as possible.
That's 'fiasco' by the way
Have a gud 'un
I think ultimately it could give Dan Harrington's books a run for their money...
Richard Orford: Every Bad Decision Revealed.
The BIG SUIT is absent today, so we might be able to get away with some nonsense, but the problem is that Posh-Ling is the Producer......
We will see what we can get away with. If it goes wrong, you get the blame, right?
It's all very well having Tikay on the show to appeal to the yoof market but I think that Dave's cultured style adds a certain "je ne sais quoi" to the program.
Having said that, I'd pay good money to see Tikay drop kick penguin across the studio.
I would love to see some more bankroll progressions of Sky's higher stakes players on there! Plus it would be good to track the progress of fellow low/microstakes cash players who are trying to build it up properly and move up the levels!
BRM is Key to cash games else you can go busto in a matter of MINUTES!
DeadLuck / Matt
When are we going to see the wonderful Producer Posh-Ling on our TV screens as she sounds like real red hot stuff and i do prefer real posh female totty.
You'll make Team Tikay's Offical Luckbox and TKO1 Leg 2 Champion who will easily retain his Leg 2 title on Tuesday Night a very happy man!
Ta very muchly!!!!
PS: Has anyone got the phone number of the pilot that is flying back LML to England from the US to ask them to delay the plane till Wednesday so that us Tikayites win Leg 2 on Tuesday!!!
No need Steve.
We gonna obliterate AJDonkPlopLisa & her little Team this week.
You was talking about players having there date of birth at the end of there names. And then were jokingly on about tikays name would be tikay12.. I always thought tikay10 had is date of birth at the end!
Good show as always. Little confused, why is Tikay not speaking German tonight?
Re: SilkyB
Do worms have laps?
Rich wears the awful jumpers, get it right:)