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I think I played this as well as I could and just shows how hard it can be to have a high pocket pair in the blinds. Could Tallboy have done anything differently?
phil12ukSmall blind £0.15£0.15£27.28argoBig blind £0.30£0.45£20.41 Your hole cardsKK CandidFold tallboyCall £0.30£0.75£44.18sloubyCall £0.30£1.05£32.54captainCabCall £0.30£1.35£29.35phil12ukRaise £1.35£2.70£25.93argoCall £1.20£3.90£19.21tallboyCall £1.20£5.10£42.98sloubyCall £1.20£6.30£31.34captainCabFold Flop 978 phil12ukBet £4.20£10.50£21.73argoAll-in £19.21£29.71£0.00tallboyCall £19.21£48.92£23.77sloubyFold phil12ukFold argoShowKA tallboyShow10J Turn 10 River J argoWinFlush to the Ace£47.12 £47.12
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P.S can you repost the hand please
Basically I felt the 5x raise (after limpers) was prob a tad small but I did want some action.
Unfortunately once the first call came, I feared the domino effect of everyone else being priced in.
I think you played it ok, depending on the table I might ahve raised it a couple of BB more.
Really tho with AK and KK the money shoulda been going AIPF.