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Name and shame slow rollers
Getting a bit tired of being slow rolled. These players would never do this live and we all know why!
xxx slow rolled me and laughed about it we had the same hand Ace high straight but didint know it. There was no flush or house and they waited until the last second. I'll never understand why people do this.
Slow roller number 1
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Hi scarlet
I dont think the place to be talking about players, if you have a problem with any player you beleive are not playing correctly, you should contact customer support and report it to them, they will then take the appropriate action they deem necessary.
Hi Scarlet, to be honest i don't think there are players 'slow-rolling'... most of the time it's delay from the server !!
It 's a subject that has even been mention on the live TV show but in reality some players do have connection problems. How many times have you heard the presenter on the show say, when holding AK or AA, "Oh he's folded" or," he must be away form his computer"..Probability is there waiting for the server to upload !!
Also from what you say, often players write in 'LOL' when a pot gets split ...
My guess it's not the player but the server being slow ..
glk benny
The only time i believe people slowroll is if it is backed up with a rubdown in the chat box and general abuse. That isnt on and thankfully rare on sky poker.
Otherwise i give them the benifit of the doubt and put it down to multitabling/ server issues or an inexperienced player just trying to double check that they actually have the nuts.
This is a more likely reason for it than dodgy connections or that sort of guff imo.
Anyone that does it intentionally and finds it amusing defo deserves naming and shaming but be surprised were you to find many on here.