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The One Flush Call

edited January 2010 in Omaha
Tikay made a few references to this hand on Mastercash today so I thought I'd post it on here for everyone to pick the bones out of.  Is it a hero call?  Yes.  Did I have a real reason to think I was ahead?  Yes (I'll post the thinking later).  Did I breath out a massive sigh of relief when I saw the hands face up?  Abso-blooming-lutely.

PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceTommyDSmall blind £0.25£0.25£66.41LlamamanBig blind £0.50£0.75£95.89RemyMartinSit out     Your hole cards3344   lufc1982Raise £1.50£2.25£84.88tikay1Call £1.50£3.75£47.95gr8grFold    TommyDCall £1.25£5.00£65.16LlamamanCall £1.00£6.00£94.89Flop  6A5   TommyDCheck    LlamamanCheck    lufc1982Bet £6.00£12.00£78.88tikay1Call £6.00£18.00£41.95TommyDCall £6.00£24.00£59.16LlamamanFold    Turn  Q   TommyDCheck    lufc1982Check    tikay1Check    River  10   TommyDCheck    lufc1982Check    tikay1Bet £18.00£42.00£23.95TommyDCall £18.00£60.00£41.16lufc1982Fold    tikay1ShowAKA9   TommyDShow3344   TommyD<td style="padding-top:7px;padding-right:5px;padding-bottom:7px;paddi


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    edited January 2010
    I wonder say it's a majorly good call as you only ever see tikay play trip aces ;)
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    edited January 2010
    Hi Tommy,

    I dont think anyone did anything wrong in this hand.
    Lets look at your play, on the flop you've hit your flush with SFlush draw, but your flush is not very strong.
    I dont mind the check call, as your getting 3/1.
    I might have bet the turn possibly half pot to pot size, but then what do you do if your reraised?
    Tbh i dont mind playing it as check calling all the way, because of the strength of your hand and when you check to the river Tony was always going to bet out and had to bet that size to get someone to fold.

    A bit of a cooler really and i can see why you were really relieved when the cards went over.

    Hope this makes sense to you, because when im reading it i think this guy(me) is a bumbling idiot lol.


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    edited January 2010
    Ok, the reasoning as promised.

    Essentially Mr Kendal played this hand exactly as he did on another table.  On that occasion I held the K flush and folded.  There's a wily old trick in Omaha that cunning long time players use to bluff the nut flush when you hold the Nut flush card in your hand.  On the occasion before Tikay had pocket aces with the Ace of spades and represented the nut flush then, I folded my second nut flush and then he showed the bluff.  If it wasn't for that hand I would not of called here.  On this hand I waited for nearly the whole timer comparing the play in the two hands in my head and that's why I called.  Also the turn play made me believe neither Tikay or LUFC had a flush of their own.

    So there you go, not a call I often make but I did have a reason for doing so.  By the way, I'm kind of honoured Tikay tried this trick a couple of times on me, it doesn't work against inexperienced or hold 'em mind-setted players.
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