How can he call with 5s? cud have been squeezing with 67 suited n hes still flipping for half his stack, with 2 players still behind?
This aint a suck up but love ur shove, mainly because ur 2 off the bubble (not sure I would have the courage to make it in a tourny this big, but it makes perfect sense to me, id do it in the primo? lol) - btw my attitude towards the game at this stage in a tourny this size, basically justifies ur play, id probli fold aces here just incase! ha just kidin - but u no wat I mean.
So looking forward to watching the TP players over the next few nights, gonna be wikid, whos gonna be brave and go for the big win? lol
Yeah I'm not scared of bubbling to be honest mate, my play should work almost everytime. It's a terrible call but hopefully he will be at the next comps to pay me off :-).
Congrats on making it through mate, only got home tonight so just read the forum and saw the added 3 players!
On the plus side a good friend of mine who I meet up with at live events is on the final table of the EPT in Deauville. His name is Jake Cody, he is 2nd in chips 8 left.. €870k for 1st :-D.
He won a huge pot 5-bet shoving 10-4 allin into KK with 18 left and hitting a straight, can any1 tell he's a mate of mine yet?! lol. I'm sure Tikay will of made a good read on that hand that we might even be related :-D
Thanks guys :-)! I felt I played really well and didn't feel I made a mistake whole tournament. My exit hand was pretty brutal Mid position opens for 10k at blinds 2/4k 400 ante cut-off flats, button flats I shove for 70k total in the small blind (My image is a rock by the way). Original raiser folds and I'm pretty sure now my squeeze has got through, then the 1st caller tanks whilst saying " I know you've got nothing!" .... "Oh really?" I say. Anyway he ends up calling other guy folds. He flips 5-5 and makes out its some genius call when I turn over K-Q and he realises hes flipping. Don't think he understands ranges or realises my range there is pretty much all better pocket pairs and obv at worst two overs for a coinflip. He ships the 170k pot and I'm 2 off the money sigh! Pretty confident If I win that pot I can get myself in to a pretty sick finish if not win the comp. Next stop Total player :-) Posted by lJAMESl
Yeah I'm not scared of bubbling to be honest mate, my play should work almost everytime. It's a terrible call but hopefully he will be at the next comps to pay me off :-). Congrats on making it through mate, only got home tonight so just read the forum and saw the added 3 players! Should be a good comp and best of luck buddy! Posted by lJAMESl
hi james as you know by this thread a few of us were tracking you in this event ,
unlucky again by the way ,
recently in forum we got dantb10 poker story,
how he got in and progressed through the game,
i am sure a lot of us forum users would love to hear yours ,
In Response to Re: Good Luck lJAMESl : hi james as you know by this thread a few of us were tracking you in this event , unlucky again by the way , recently in forum we got dantb10 poker story, how he got in and progressed through the game, i am sure a lot of us forum users would love to hear yours , in your own time m8, no rush. Posted by IRISHROVER
How can he call with 5s? cud have been squeezing with 67 suited n hes still flipping for half his stack, with 2 players still behind?
This aint a suck up but love ur shove, mainly because ur 2 off the bubble (not sure I would have the courage to make it in a tourny this big, but it makes perfect sense to me, id do it in the primo? lol) - btw my attitude towards the game at this stage in a tourny this size, basically justifies ur play, id probli fold aces here just incase! ha just kidin - but u no wat I mean.
So looking forward to watching the TP players over the next few nights, gonna be wikid, whos gonna be brave and go for the big win?
WD again James! DOHH
unlucky again by the way ,
recently in forum we got dantb10 poker story,
how he got in and progressed through the game,
i am sure a lot of us forum users would love to hear yours ,
in your own time m8,
no rush.
Look forward to battling vs you in Total Player next week.