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Who's running this shambolic promotion?

Personally, I don't get a hard on for promotions but I joined this for a bit of fun and it's a complete joke. people not receiving tokens etc. Game weeks and results not being posted, errors in team points etc. Get your fingers out Sky. The only thing worse ththan pissy promotions are badly ran pissy promotions. 


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    edited September 2015

    Morning Dave,

    That's not only a little harsh, it's needlessly rude. (imo).  

    Maybe there have been some problems, but it's the real world, & things don't always go smoothly.
    If you have any specific complaints, please speak to customer Care. That's what I'd Advocaat anyway.

    Good luck on Sunday - it don't get easier than home to Spurs.
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    edited September 2015
    I seen what you done there Tikay :)
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    edited September 2015
    In Response to Re: Who's running this shambolic promotion?:
    I seen what you done there Tikay :)
    Posted by degenmuch
    It was feeble, but the best I could manage. ;)

    Cowhead is a good bloke, & a mate, & I'm sure he'll be fine with it.

    There's a backstory, too - he's a Sunderland fan, & I've had a bet they will be relegated this season.
    And yes, there have been some issues, he's right. The course of true promos never ran smooth, according to Lysander, who is one of Shakespeare's characters.   
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    edited September 2015
    yeah im safc season ticket holder too, for my sins... which is the reason I looked at where cowhead was from :)
    I agree also that it hasn't been ran as clean as the previous premier promo,
    i.e. I think the teams should of been changed every week to give every one who takes part a chance at winning something, because as its structured at the moment if you have been allocated a team full of people who only get a few points a week you don't really have a chance of winning anything from promo (but as im in such a team my motives may be a little biased) btw I only get around 1k-1.5k points a week myself so I don't really contribute a whole lot of the points myself, But maybe the next one will fall in my favour so hey ho on to the next

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    edited September 2015
    In Response to Re: Who's running this shambolic promotion?:
    yeah im safc season ticket holder too, for my sins... which is the reason I looked at where cowhead was from :) I agree also that it hasn't been ran as clean as the previous premier promo, i.e. I think the teams should of been changed every week to give every one who takes part a chance at winning something, because as its structured at the moment if you have been allocated a team full of people who only get a few points a week you don't really have a chance of winning anything from promo (but as im in such a team my motives may be a little biased) btw I only get around 1k-1.5k points a week myself so I don't really contribute a whole lot of the points myself, But maybe the next one will fall in my favour so hey ho on to the next regard's degen
    Posted by degenmuch

    If they run it again, I'm sure they'll take all the feedback on board. And yes, I'm told it has not run as smoothly as everyone would have liked.
    They keep coming up with these different promos, but they do take some running by the backroom boys.

    So you are a Sunderland fan, too? Tough times.

    I had a box (for Business purposes) at Stadium of Light when it first opened, as I had business interests in the area, & I rather enjoyed it there. 

    I actually have better memories of Roker Park though, & the famous "Roker roar". The old stands were roofed & walled with corrugated iron, & so the noise reverberated. Incred atmo.   
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    edited September 2015
    In Response to Re: Who's running this shambolic promotion?:
    In Response to Re: Who's running this shambolic promotion? : Attaboy. If they run it again, I'm sure they'll take all the feedback on board. And yes, I'm told it has not run as smoothly as everyone would have liked.   They keep coming up with these different promos, but they do take some running by the backroom boys. So you are a Sunderland fan, too? Tough times. I had a box (for Business purposes) at Stadium of Light when it first opened, as I had business interests in the area, & I rather enjoyed it there.  I actually have better memories of Roker Park though, & the famous "Roker roar". The old stands were roofed & walled with corrugated iron, & so the noise reverberated. Incred atmo.      
    Posted by Tikay10

     A quick Question
     SAFC = ?
    I always thought it was Sunderland NIL
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    edited September 2015
    yeah tikay, roker park it was ran down but what an atmosphere almost all my best football memories are from there I will  never forget the night in 92 when Gordon Armstrong scored That header versus Chelsea in the quarter final the roof very nearly came off I have never heard a noise like it.
    as for the sol I used to go in the exec lounge paid for by subcontractors (not as bribes obv) but only during the Christmas period do I take up this option now as there is nothing like match day and being among what I class as the real supporters,
    and sigh bludreid :)
    also sorry for hijacking thread cowhead
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    edited September 2015
    Hey, a Tranmere fan here.

    I don't know if you remember but Tranmere and Sunderland have always had 'history'. We beat Newcastle in a centenary tournament at wembley in the 80s and many Sunderland fans adopted us for the tournament afterwards.

    In the 90s one of your away games was called off and a bus load of mackems joined Tranmere fans on the away terrace of one of our games as an impromptu diversion. Tranmere returned the favour later in the decade. Also Tranmere fans attended the funeral of one of your fans.I can't remember the full details.

    Then there was the last game of the season when you win the league and promotion to the premier league under Peter Reid.

    It was at Preston park. Tranmere required proof of Wirral residence to buy home end tickets as it was anticipated that 10000 of your lot wanted to come - and we only had 3000 away end tickets. but Tranmere fans and local taxi drivers obliged and the stadium was 50/50 between home and away in all stands. 

    Incredible atmosphere. I was 15 at the time, we all looked old enough to drink and where regulars in the clipper pub next to the ground. Got to.the clipper at 11 am and it was already packed with Sunderland fans. We were more than nervous walking into a pub filled with bladdered Sunderland heads, but they parted like the red sea let us to the front of the bar and paid for our round. Best atmosphere I've ever witnessed. 

    Played footy in PE the next Friday in a Sunderlandre replica I'd swapped for my Tranmere shirt before the game.

    Boss times
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    edited September 2015
    Im guessing cowheads team are not winning then?

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    edited September 2015
    In Response to Re: Who's running this shambolic promotion?:
    Im guessing cowheads team are not winning then? Ger
    Posted by gerardirl
    Ive actually won a couple of times. 

    If I came across as rude in op I apologise but I tend to call a spade a spade and just get really frustrated with Sky at times. Overall they have a good product but its the little things that really wind me up. 

    As for Tikay his bet is looking good atm, I was at the match on Sunday and have to say we played pretty well overall. Spurs were awful and didnt look up for it. The turning point for me was when Townsend came on, he seemed to give them a lift and started to create chances. 
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    edited September 2015
    In Response to Re: Who's running this shambolic promotion?:
    In Response to Re: Who's running this shambolic promotion? : Ive actually won a couple of times.  If I came across as rude in op I apologise but I tend to call a spade a spade and just get really frustrated with Sky at times. Overall they have a good product but its the little things that really wind me up.  As for Tikay his bet is looking good atm, I was at the match on Sunday and have to say we played pretty well overall. Spurs were awful and didnt look up for it. The turning point for me was when Townsend came on, he seemed to give them a lift and started to create chances. 
    Posted by cowhead
    Morning Dave.

    No need to apologise mate, & yes, we ALL get frustrated with Sky Poker at times, on both sides of the table. It's the nature of things when we all care so much, to get frustrated when things don't go as well as hoped. And they don't always.
    But here's the thing, and as we are mates, & I know I don't have to tread on eggshells when I talk to you.

    Players feel they can be as rude as they like to Sky Poker, but Sky Poker cannot ever respond in kind. It's just not done. You'd not mind, I know that, but most would be up in arms with mock outrage. "OMG OMG OMG, THEY WERE RUDE TO ME!!!!!"

    That feels unjust, & wrong, to me, that it is so one-sided. It's like having a fight with a guy who has his arms tied behind his back, & then punching him below the belt. It's just wrong. IMO, of course. 

    It's the same with Customer Care staff, they get endlessly mocked as being dumb & stupid (they are not) & they can read these comments, but they are not allowed to respond or reply. How fair is that?

    Sunderland? I feel your pain, I really do. Still, there's always a silver lining - did you see Newcastle on Monday, v West Ham? Terrible, abso terrible. They have problems there too, believe me. Which must help a bit, right?

    Run well Dave.  
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