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Is it correct to fold here?

edited January 2010 in Omaha

Was playing a bit of omaha today and came across this interesting hand. Even though I flopped the house I actually folded to a raise simply because I had almost no history vs villian. I would like to know whether you all think this would be a long run profitable play against an unknown opponent or whether I should usually be shoving due to it being A8xx, K8xx too often?

PBMT Small blind   £0.25 £0.25 £34.74
the_gibb Big blind   £0.50 £0.75 £49.50
  Your hole cards
  • 7
  • 7
  • 4
  • 10
Llamaman Call   £0.50 £1.25 £108.84
PBMT Call   £0.25 £1.50 £34.49
the_gibb Check        
  • 8
  • 8
  • 7
PBMT Check        
the_gibb Check        
Llamaman Bet   £1.50 £3.00 £107.34
PBMT Fold        
the_gibb Raise   £6.00 £9.00 £43.50
Llamaman Fold


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    edited January 2010
    It would be a remarkably sneaky play for him to pot raise you with quads - he would have to be fairly confident that you had 77 or were capable of paying for a draw on a paired board.
    I guess that he could have 87 but I think you're ahead.
    If he has the 8 then you need to dodge him pairing any of his 3 hole cards assuming he doesn't hold a pair.
    You're 58/42 if he has no pair and 73/27 if he has a pair in his hand.
    If you fancy 58/42 then get as much in the pot as you can as quickly as you can.
    If you flat call him, you have no idea whether he housed up on the turn (or river) so there's no point in waiting around.
    I would definitely say that this is the long term profitable play.

    P.S. It feels a bit odd "advising" someone who has consistently stuffed me at Omaha.
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    edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Is it correct to fold here?:
    It would be a remarkably sneaky play for him to pot raise you with quads - he would have to be fairly confident that you had 77 or were capable of paying for a draw on a paired board. I guess that he could have 87 but I think you're ahead. If he has the 8 then you need to dodge him pairing any of his 3 hole cards assuming he doesn't hold a pair. You're 58/42 if he has no pair and 73/27 if he has a pair in his hand. If you fancy 58/42 then get as much in the pot as you can as quickly as you can. If you flat call him, you have no idea whether he housed up on the turn (or river) so there's no point in waiting around. I would definitely say that this is the long term profitable play. P.S. It feels a bit odd "advising" someone who has consistently stuffed me at Omaha.
    Posted by MereNovice
    Me too, & for that reason, I shall not reply to Mr Llama!

    Mr Llama is, & I do like a bit of understatement, a "most accomplished" Omaha player. The Omaha liquidity on here is a bit thin still (it will grow in time), but I fancy Mr Llama will be ordering his Ferrari & his yacht soon out of his Omaha winnings here. He nicks a steady few hundred quid here almost every night. GREAT fun to play, too, takes his beats like a proper man. 

    There's always "musical chairs" on Lama's Table, as we all jostle for a seat behind him!
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    edited January 2010
    I'm never passing to that FISH (Mr Gibb)
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    edited January 2010
    Gibb is a ROCK!
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    edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Is it correct to fold here?:
    Gibb is a ROCK!
    Posted by lJAMESl
    most likely winning, but dont think its wrong to fold with little invested and either small fav or big dog

    agree with TK et al,  dont presume to advise.
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