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Does anyone fold here????

edited January 2010 in Omaha
GliterBabe Small blind  £1.00 £1.00 £1339.55
xxxxxBig blind  £2.00 £3.00 £380.95
  Your hole cards
  • 8
  • 7
  • Q
  • 9
GliterBabe Call  £1.00 £4.00 £1338.55
xxxxx Raise  £4.00 £8.00 £376.95
GliterBabe Call  £4.00 £12.00 £1334.55
  • 7
  • 9
  • 8
xxxxx Bet  £12.00 £24.00 £364.95
GliterBabe Call  £12.00 £36.00 £1322.55
  • 9
xxxxxBet  £36.00 £72.00 £328.95
GliterBabe Call  £36.00 £108.00 £1286.55
  • 10
GliterBabe Bet  £81.00 £189.00 £1205.55
xxxxxAll-in  £328.95 £517.95 £0.00


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    edited January 2010

    Not sure what the correct play was here? Thinking back and looking back through the hand maybe the call on turn was incorrect....Just some thoughts please ladies and gentleman...


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    edited January 2010
    First of all, that's stunning stack you've built up so you can't have been doing much wrong! It's tough position to find yourself in - as you mentioned, just calling turn was probably mistake because you've put yourself in difficult position facing check raise on river! If you'd raised the turn, you could get them to shove when you're 100% ahead but if they just call, you're fully committed on the river anyway so decision becomes easier! I'm struggling to lay the hand down to be honest but equally, I'm fully expecting to see them holding Q J 10 10 or Q J 10 9 - look forward to hearing what you did/what they had!
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    edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Does anyone fold here????:
    Not sure what the correct play was here? Thinking back and looking back through the hand maybe the call on turn was incorrect....Just some thoughts please ladies and gentleman... GB
    Posted by GliterBabe
    Simple answer is NO you are only behind to 2 handS (10 9, 10 10), i would suspect he has JQ for the nut straight.

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    edited January 2010
      Ok lets go through it stage by stage. Your starting hand is ok, not bad but not brilliant so the limpfollowing by the calling of the small raise is fine preflop.

      The flop hits you nicely but not amazingly well. Top 2 pair is good but by no means unassailable. You could be behind to a set or a made straight already plus the board has flush potential on it.Definitely worth a call of the potsized bet.

      Bingo, the turn card is an absolute dream and gives you the nuts. I dont like your flat call here because most river cards are liable to take the nuts away from you.
     The river as expected brings a scary card. Your hand has gone from nuts to third nuts(losing to 10 10  or 10 9).

      Overall on the betting.Preflop fine. On the flop with having 6 available cards to hit to house up it might have been worth a raise here to show strength and ask a question of your opponent.Omaha is a game of outdraws and the key is never to give your opponent the chance to outdraw you.For this reason i absolutely abhor the call on the turn.You have the nuts and are in front so you should have put in a pot sized raise at this point.If he folds then fine you win a nice pot.If he calls or reraises you then fine as well because we know he is behind and chasing some sort of draw or possibly even drawing totally dead with something like 88.The checkraise on the river here says one of 2 things either supreme strength or a steal and we cannot know which it is.Personally i think you have to call this bet.

       You spent the entire hand answering questions and not asking any of your own. My advice is to always bet max when you have the nuts and definitely not slow play any hand.You really wanted to be getting the money in the middle on the turn when you knew you were ahead instead of value betting on the river when your hand has become devalued.I would also have been tempted to check on the river because as i said your hand has devalued but still has very good showdown value. By value betting you gave your opponent a chance to ask another question of you.
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    edited January 2010
    The only issue here is your opinion of your opponent.
    If he's capable of making that move with less than the near nuts you should call, otherwise fold.

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    edited January 2010

    Depends on the Opponent really, what sort of game he plays.

    I think you are behind, but I might make the crying call & be pleasantly surprised.

    You deffo missed a Turn bet though, imo. Which could be the clue to his River C/R - you've disguised your hand by playing it the way you did, by accident or design.
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    edited January 2010

    Thanks your your thought's guy's specially Talon.  My opponent to say the least was ultra aggressive, I'm still not 100% sure he knew what he was doing.  Up to this point I was clearly crushing him and had made some great calls to his pot sized bets on the river ( of which I won ). I really saw it as a bluff or a lower Fullhouse.  I do agree that I should have raised for sure on the turn,  but knew he would fire again on the river.

    Anyway this is how it ended up..

    GliterBabe Show
    • 8
    • 7
    • Q
    • 9
    xxxxx Show
    • 10
    • 6
    • 10
    • 10
    xxxxx Win Full House, 10s and 9s £764.90  £764.90
    Thanks again

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    edited January 2010

    Ugh. But a pretty standard Omaha conclusion.

    And he got paid because he was laggy. Most times you are right to Call against him - hence your stack size.
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    edited January 2010
    Blimey that's harsh - two outs on the river and it smacks you right in the face! Looks like you're right - didn't really know what he's doing and got lucky but judging from his play, he's not going away on the turn regardless of what you did so would've been the same result unfortunately!
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    edited January 2010
    I never fold to him! He is a psycho!
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    edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Does anyone fold here????:
    I never fold to him! He is a psycho!
    Posted by lJAMESl

    Without revealing his name, how do you know who he is? Have I missed something here?
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    edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Does anyone fold here????:
    In Response to Re: Does anyone fold here???? : James, Without revealing his name, how do you know who he is? Have I missed something here?
    Posted by Tikay10
    That's just say he a little loose at No Limit Holdem!!!!  But great fun.
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    edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Does anyone fold here????:
    In Response to Re: Does anyone fold here???? : James, Without revealing his name, how do you know who he is? Have I missed something here?
    Posted by Tikay10
    Some nutter, he is the most aggressive player in the world! Was railing glitter for some of the match!
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