Right I feel the need to vent my spleen here. I have to admit it escaped my attention that this was due to be played tonight.
However, sky used to send emails and/or text messages reminding of the time/date it was due to be played. This happened last month but not this month.
Why does it take a reg to flag up for this to be added to the lobby, then basically it's down to whoever realises that the mtt is running to add themselves. Sky should be adding this to the schedule at least 48 hours before its due to be played not relying on us to see the mtt in a two hour window.
When this sort of thing happens, it kind of puts me off grinding to make priority for next month.
This has been said every so often for the last maybe 2-3 years at least, but why can't both Prio freerolls just be added into the lobby on 1st of each month?
Unless there's some technical reason, it just seems the logical thing to do.