ECOCHIPS: we are all given a "rating" by the software and then the software plays the game and rewards accordingly
devil_tear: I'm joking
21:52ECOCHIPS: just the same as a fruit machine
devil_tear: hahaha
devil_tear: see a doctor
21:53devil_tear: so how do you explain the best players winning.. just the luckiest players
ECOCHIPS: people actually think they have some control when playing fruit machines and its the same
21:54ECOCHIPS: THE best players are normally "sponsored" by the sites
› Kaz44 has won 3,090 chips
ECOCHIPS: I do NOT need to see a doctor, but you need to open your mind
21:55› devil_tear has won 1,440 chips
ECOCHIPS: next question ,,, why are you on here... its called addiction
21:56ECOCHIPS: and the software knows just how to play into your mind ,, yes just the same as the fruit machine does